Letter: Candidates must address illegal immigration

John Kubenski Jr., Jamestown, The Jamestown Sun, Worthington Daily Globe
Published Sunday, August 03, 2008

Illegal immigration is a forgotten issue. I have been following the presidential race for a while and I have to say that both candidates are missing the issue, which is very important.

Both of them really don’t have a plan to stop these illegal immigrants from getting into our nation. Sen. Barack Obama wants to keep the borders open for these people and it shows that he doesn’t have the guts to close the borders and wants more of them to shore up the Democratic voting base and to fully destroy the Republican Party. Even some of the Hispanics who are legal in this country are against those illegal immigrants because it gives Hispanics a bad name.

This nation is being overrun by illegal immigrants crossing our borders which should be closed to everyone. The borders are being invaded by drug smugglers and smugglers that are ferrying illegal immigrants. Instead of having troops in Germany and everywhere else they should be employed to guard our borders to keep this riffraff from coming in.

Also what is wrong is the big cities and the Catholic Church are giving sanctuary to illegal immigrants. They should have their federal funds stopped and be fined for breaking the law plus the employers who hire illegal immigrants should be fined or jailed.

America should not be a haven for illegal immigrants. It is no wonder why most Americans want them out of here. It is no wonder why organizations are swelling with new members who despise and reject the idea of illegal immigrants living in our country and taking jobs and services away from Americans.

People complain that there are no jobs. Well, blame it on the illegal immigrants who have them. They should also learn the customs of this nation. If they don’t well they should also leave this nation.

A lot of people feel that America is for Americans and we should take immigrants who will contribute to the welfare of this nation. We should buy American-made products only and be dependent on our own national resources, like oil.

We should take care of our own people rather than support illegal immigrants. Let the Mexican government take care of its own people.

In conclusion, we have enough resources to help our people and we should have a National ID card to prevent anyone from coming into this nation illegally.

John Kubenski Jr.

Jamestown, N.D.
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