Watch draws dozens to border

With Palominas at its center, ‘Operation spike’ honors activist who died
By Jonathon Shacat

Published/Last Modified on Sunday, Sep 27, 2009 - 03:15:32 am MST

PALOMINAS — Dozens of people are participating in an event in southern Cochise County to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border for illegal activity and report it to the authorities.

The border watch event, called Operation Spike, officially started Sept. 19 and is expected to continue until Oct. 15, or possibly be extended to the end of October, depending on the turnout and results, said Al Garza, president and founder of Patriots Coalition.

Garza, who lives in Huachuca City and formerly was affiliated with the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, said the event has been successful so far. In one sector alone at one time, there were 45 participants. Members of Minuteman of One, Patriots Coalition and other like-minded groups are involved.

He said he would not be surprised if as many as 200 or 300 people take part in the event by the time it concludes. Participants are monitoring activities within a 50-mile radius of Palominas. The Herald/Review agreed not to identify specific locations of the efforts.

Woody Mitchell, the co-chapter director of Patriots Coalition, who was an original Minuteman and lives in Sierra Vista, said the suspected drug smugglers and other illegal immigrants are using sophisticated means, such as radios and Global Positioning Systems.

“They have spotters up there. They know where we are,â€