Found this trolling the seas of mediocre propaganda (euphemism for assinine drivel) offered by the invaders on the web and got a sense of growing fear or maybe theyre just realizing that things may have gotten out of hand too quickly. Thank god they pulled the trigger while their numbers are still too small to constitute any kind of significant national political force. They peaked too soon I hope. This Aztlan stuff is like a fairytale, bedtime story crap. What dreamers!! I'll give them creativity... no prudence though.

By the way what the hell does race have to do with any of this again?!? How can they even say this with a straight face. I emphatically support the immediate deportation and denial of services to any and all walks of life who fit the description of ILLEGAL ALIEN. Not a brain teaser. That includes Irish, Scottish, English, French, Finnish, and most importantly those pesky Norwegians...they had a penchant for piracy and marauding could flare up again soon. I, by the way, am all of the above and some (Heinz 57/ a.k.a. typical American CITIZEN). So, they must be referring to a new race, the "extra-legal" race perhaps. These people are characterized by a bohemian flare for a disregard for territorial lines, refusal of social or cultural assimilation, or ability to concieve personal accountability. This new race is most remarkable for its lack of uniform genetic physical markers (ie actual ethnicity). They are homogenous only in their lack of respect or ability to form rational argument.

Also, where is this referenced "private" aspect of Sheriff Arpaio's lawful deputization of a "posse"and subsequent arrests of extra-nationals in violation of US immigration and customs laws under the plenary police power granted the state of Arizona under the United States Constitution.
Ok, I'll give myself an aneurysm if I keep after this...

<>.<>.<> Los Angeles, Alta California <>.<>.<>
May 5, 2006

IMMIGRANT RIGHTS: NAHR to Host Urgent Meeting in Riverside

The National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR) will be holding a meeting in Riverside, California on Tuesday May 9 to plan a "united front" on the national immigration debate. In the aftermath of the great marches and boycott, that stunned the USA, a few Latino organizations are purporting to represent the interests of all immigrants. These organizations do not represent all immigrants. These organizations are in effect selling out the interests of some immigrants by accepting a compromise with the anti-immigrant elements that will leave millions of hard working undocumented immigrants out in the cold and subject to deportation.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday May 9 at 7:00 PM at the Zacatecas Restaurant located at 2472 University Avenue, Riverside, Alta California. Everyone concerned about the rights of immigrants is invited to attend. If you have been wanting to involved yourself in this struggle, this is your chance. If you are born here but are in fear of having your father, mother or relatives deported, this meeting will provide an opportunity to join an effort to protect them.

Also, to be discussed are certain racist anti-immigrant actions that are already underway in some parts of the Southwest like the arrests of undocumented immigrants by a private "posse" in Maricopa County, Arizona led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and the racist proposition in San Bernardino that proposes to criminalize landlords that rent to undocumented immigrants.