Just got this in e-mail from a reliable source. For all you letter writers and number dialers, here's one for you ....
MMP Director Jim Gilchrist has been informed that James E. Vlahovich, Director, Cochise County Planning Department has levied a fine of $750.00 per day on the The Miracle Valley Bible College in Hereford, Arizona for housing the MinuteMan Project.

Russ Dove 520-903-0778 will update his website http://TiANews.com as new information avails itself.

Isn't it bad enough that we have MALDEF, the ACLU (who are inciting problems daily) , Vicente Fox, the Mayor of Douglas, Jorge Bush, Derechos Humanos, Hoover and his water barrels, anti-American politicians, the Cochise Board of Supervisors and all the rest harassing the Minuteman Project. Please overwhelm Vlahovich with your protests.

Please do two things:

1) Please contact James E. Vlahovich and share your fury with this arbitrary action against Americans exercising their First Amendment rights and the rights of Property Owners to do with their property as they please.

2) Send this message to everyone you know!

Director, James E. Vlahovich, Director
Cochise County Planning Department
Phone (520)432-9240 Fax (520)432-9278
1415 Melody Lane, Building E; Bisbee, Arizona 85603

Also contact the Cochise County Board of Supervisors:
Pat Call, Chairman pcall@co.cochise.az.us Phone (520)432-9200 Fax (520)432-5016

Paul Newsman pnewman@co.cochise.az.us Phone (520)432-9200 Fax (520)432-5016

Richard Roddis Searle rsearle@co.cochise.az.us Phone (520)432-9200 Fax (520)432-5016