Labor unions now own and operate the Democrat Party via their Democratic Socialists of America

BIG Labor Administration Focused on 20 million New DNC Union Thugs

By JB Williams
Friday, August 21, 2009

While the nation is focused on stopping Obama’s Marxist health scare plan, Obama’s DHS is quietly moving forward on amnesty, free health care and voting rights for some 20 million illegal migrants.

It’s not hard to figure out their motives… Labor unions now own and operate the Democrat Party via their Democratic Socialists of America. 20 million illegal aliens already in the U.S. will generate more than 8 million new dues paying union members, who will be trained to vote Democrat in upcoming elections.

Aside from being a huge payoff to the union bosses who funded the Socialists rise to power in America and placed Socialists in control of all three branches of the federal government in 2006 and 2008, it secures future elections for the Democrat Party by adding nearly 10 million New Leftist voters anxious to vote themselves gifts from our public trough. Today’s DNC will gladly show them the ropes…

60,000 AARP members have dropped their AARP membership in just the last few weeks, in a revolt against Obama’s plan to pay for socialized medicine for illegal immigrants by rationing health care to senior citizens, those who no longer “contribute,â€