View From Lodi, CA: Dubya—Worst President Ever. And Immigration Is A Reason.
By Joe Guzzardi

To those of you who voted for George W. Bush in 2000, I forgive you.

But if you voted for Bush a second time, I’m sorry—I cannot extend the same graciousness.

I hold you fully and completely responsible for the terrible condition that our country is in. You have aided and abetted in America’s demise.

I understand how Bush hoodwinked you the first time around. Under the tutelage of the soon-to-be-departed Karl Rove, Bush ran a smooth campaign with lots of insincere patter about compassionate conservatism.

Bush’s 2000 opponent, the bumbling, fumbling former-Vice President Al Gore eased the path to the White House for the relatively inexperienced Texas governor.

To sum up how inept Gore was: he could not even carry his home state of Tennessee—or the traditional Democratic stronghold of West Virginia.

But going into the 2004 election, Bush supporters should have been guided by the old truism: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.â€