The New Frontier Coalition is enlisting the help of groups around the country to help organize a January 20th, 2009. Inauguration Day rally. There are over 10 million unemployed American workers. We all know this has been caused by outsourcing, foreign worker visas, and of course illegal aliens. Comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty) will probably be brought up again after Obama takes office.

We need to send a loud and clear message that the American worker needs to finally be considered. The NFC wants to tap into the 10 million unemployed and all other disenfranchised Americans to have at least one million citizens rally at their respective local Congressional offices. That would be approximately 2,000 people for each of the 435 districts.

We are looking for volunteers to help organize each of the legislative districts. The NFC will provide the national organizing hub. We will work on publicity, exposure, and other necessities.

But we need volunteers to help on the local level. Contact me at with your state and Congressional district so we can get this rally off the ground.

Dan Kairis
NFC Rally Co-ordinator