The Bologna Family, Sanctuary Cities, and Illegal Immigrants

For those of you who are not aware of the recent tragedy in San Francisco, about a month ago in San Francisco, CA, USA, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador seeking refuge in the sanctuary city brutally murdered a father and his two sons in a traffic altercation. My heart goes out to the Bologna (Bah-lone-yah) family… to this man’s mother, to this man’s sister, and to most of all the man’s wife and the two boys’ mother, who has no immediate family to speak of after this ludicrous crime.

I have always supported the rights of immigrants in my country. If it were not for immigration, I would not be here today… I am a second-generation American of Hungarian and Polish descent. My family was escaping the horrors of World War II in the 1940s, and I have the US at the time to thank for my existence. I am in no way against immigration or the start of a new life. I fully support integration into American society. I think it keeps our country diversified, and I think it keeps the American tradition alive of being a country where people can come when they have no hope left.

That being said, I have absolutely no sympathy for the parasitic, illegal immigrants that live in this country. Americans pay a great deal of money towards the government, as we should, because the government uses it to benefit us (or should, ideally speaking) through programs and services… in other words, our money cycles through and comes back in the form of federal institutions, such as the postal service, education, roads and highways, etc. However, there are people in this country who do not pay taxes, who do not contribute, who we are supporting with our tax money and who use the services WE pay for without contributing anything themselves. Why do these people deserve it? Why do they deserve help from our welfare system, our health care facilities, our schools? They do absolutely nothing to support these institutions, and in my eyes, do not deserve it if they do not plan to become progressive members of our country.

There is a way and a process of gaining citizenship to this country. I have friends from high school who have gone through this process, along with their families. There is a large Latino demographic in my town, and they go through the citizenship process, a process that is no different from the one American citizens go through while taking required history courses during schooling, such as American History and Civics and Government.

I have a problem with sanctuary cities like San Francisco, who basically collect tax monies and then use them to strike up a campaign, calling all illegal immigrants into their arms and promising them security and benefits… paid for by citizen tax dollars… and yet, these people aren’t citizens. And then! They practically give these people amnesty for their crimes; they don’t report them to immigration for committing crimes — they are harboring criminals.

This was the case of Edwin Ramos, the illegal immigrant who brutally murdered the Bologna family. He committed TWO felonies as a mere youth, one of them including attempted robbery of a pregnant woman, and was also arrested with a gun charge last March. Ramos was not reported to Immigration for the first two penalties due to San Fran’s sanctuary policy. And yet, if this man was deported when he was sixteen, when he robbed that pregnant woman, perhaps that woman’s family would still be alive! Perhaps everything she had known for the past twenty years would not be stolen from her. She never expected this. Do you live in a sanctuary city? What is protecting you from these criminals? These criminals who are provided with more security than you and yours?

Americans asked for increased security after 9/11 and got Big Brother hovering over their shoulder, rather than the immediate removal of these freeloaders. Perhaps Big Brother is watching the wrong people? ... mment-1430