Blunt vows to get tougher on illegal immigration
Darrin Miller

In his ongoing battle to curb illegal immigration in Missouri, Gov. Matt Blunt has been outlining his plans for tough new directives that are targeted at illegal aliens who want to reside in Missouri.

In the past few weeks Blunt has issued press releases, appeared on the Lou Dobbs Tonight program, and dedicated an entire column on his official Web site to spreading his message that Missouri will not tolerate or condone illegal immigrants benefiting from taxpayer-supported services or programs. He has directed state agencies and committees to implement statutes and policies that will make it very difficult for illegals to live and work in Missouri.

On his Web site, Blunt wrote, “I am working to protect Missouri taxpayers’ money from supporting building projects that employ illegal workers… I have outlined principles for the Missouri Housing Development Commission to consider regarding illegal immigration that includes possible sanctions of up to a lifetime ban of contractors and developers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants in violation of federal law.â€