Quote Originally Posted by MW
Geez 2ndamendsis, you need to temper constant cynicism and pessimissim with a little hope and optimism on occasion - it's good for morale.
I'm not cynical, MW I refuse to be dooped and very much dislike my friends being snowballed as well. That's how this thing became the monster that it is. Would you rather that folks falsely believe that this 'fence' is going to solve problems & loose ground or would you rather know the truth?

If I didn't have HOPE & BELIEF, I wouldn't be here. I've many years of experience in this fight that have taught me well.

From the beginning of this 'fence issue,' I've called every step they've taken before they've taken it. That's not pessimissim, MW, that's simply being smart and staying one step ahead.

Again.......AMNESTY is the battle---not some fence 'to be built whenever, funded how?'
