This should not be a shock to anyone's central nervous system...didn't we all know this was coming? Just all started with someone hiring an illegal gardener or housekeeper back in the 60's! Now the whole country of Mexico is either here, or on their way!
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More Mexico news

Bordering on a solution

State and national nursing shortages could be addressed by hiring from Mexico, but English proficiency is one of many hurdles potential applicants face
By Sandra Dibble

January 13, 2008

EL CENTRO – For years, the Imperial Valley's largest hospital has grappled not only with the national nursing shortage but with a lack of Spanish-speaking nurses able to communicate easily with the Latino patients who fill most of the beds.

PEGGY PEATTIE / Union-Tribune
Fernando Angeles, a nurse at El Centro Regional Medical Center, helped Refugio Tostado, 83, sit up to breathe better. Most patients there are originally from Mexico, and hospital officials say Mexican nurses such as Angeles could fill a need for Spanish-speakers.
The solution may be right next door, in Mexico.

“For the valley, nothing makes more sense,â€