Born Free?
Story Published: Jun 6, 2008 at 5:59 PM PDT

By Heather Reese

A local Democratic blog asked us to look into an issue recently approved by State Republicans. The party's 2008 proposed platform says children born in the U.S to illegal aliens should not be citizens.

Republicans argue the 14th Amendment actually supports this provision. They say the original intent of the 14th Amendment was to recognize the citizenship of ex-slaves, not to grant citizenship to children born to illegals. The local Republican party chair says he's not strongly opposed to making this law.

But blogger Ron Bonlender, a Democrat, says changing our constitutional rights is not an option.

"There's abuses but you don't change the constitution you address the abuses in other ways," Bonlender said.

It takes two-thirds vote of each house to pass a bill, should this become a bill. The State Republican party will send 40 delegates to its National Convention in September.