What if Americans were induced to forego vacations in Mexico? What if a massive campaigne to boycott the Mexican tourism industry were mounted?

Remember, Americans traveling to Can Cun, Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco, Tenochitlan (pyramids), Palenque, Mazatlan, and many border towns spend LOTS of MONEY.

I suspect that once the mental psyche of Americans turned anti-Mexico's policies of encouraging illegal immigration to the US and if this psyche chilled tourism to Mexico, that you would see lots of corrective actions on both sides of the Mexico Us border.

I used to travel to Mexico (I am a Mexican American) and stopped doing so some many years ago because I noted how many Mexicans barely hid their contempt for "gringos." Long story, but some of you may already know what I am talking about (topic for another thread).

Boycott Mexico Tourism? What do you folks think?