Park City 'wanted' list angers Latinos
By Christopher Smart
The Salt Lake Tribune

PARK CITY - In this tourist town where the resort economy is powered by immigrant labor, the vast majority of crime is committed by Anglos. Yet to the surprise and dismay of some, the police department's "10 Most Wanted" list is comprised wholly of Latinos. {how can they be shocked by this? just look at the prison population in this country nationwide. it isn't mostly whites that you see in there}
Police Chief Lloyd Evans said the list posted on Park City's Web site was compiled using criteria that emphasize violent crime, felony drug distribution and arrest warrants for those who failed to make court appearances. {which comprises of you guessed it, illegal alien latinos}
He recognizes, however, that critics could construe the list as racially biased {which the multicultural apologists always do} - a claim he disputes.
"This is not a race issue. This is a safety issue," he said. "It doesn't matter if they are green or red or white. They are violent criminals."
But Laura Grimaldo, a Park City-based social worker, sees the 10 Most Wanted as a step backward for the Latino community whose members seek the American dream along with everyone else in Utah's premier resort destination. {well get your latino buddies to stop being the criminals that they are and maybe you won't see them on the top 10 most wanted list. what do you think latinos are exempt from law enforcement when they committ a crime?}
"This is a huge bang on the head to Latinos who are working hard and trying to do good things," said Grimaldo, herself an immigrant. "To me, this looks like profiling. The Latino community is very concerned." {good things? like what? like the a-holes that beat up that pregnant lady last night. is that what you call doing good things?}
The 10 Most Wanted criminal list is frightening to both the Anglo and Latino segments of the town, she said.
"Now people are thinking it's the Mexicans [who] commit all the crimes," she said. {Duh!}
At the same time, the Latino population will see the list as a crackdown on immigrants, causing law-abiding workers to avoid police rather than cooperate with them, she said. {law-abiding? if their mere presence makes them illegal then how could they be considered law abiding?}
"People are worried. We already have a bad rep," she said referring to immigrants. "The police have to understand that when they do this, it is not working in the Latino community." {so what?}
Grimaldo pointed out that most immigrants do not have access to computers that could access the list on the city's Web site. {again so what?}
"If they want the Latino community to help, they have to do it in Spanish," she said, including through fliers or in Spanish-language newspapers. Park City's Latinos do not listen to Anglo radio stations or read the local newspaper, she said. {we don't need your help. your law breaking kind have already caused enough damage to this country. why don't you go back to mexihole and then you can speak all the spanish you want and you can get to enjoy all of the crime your little hearts desire in your little hellhole you pledge your allegiance too}
Among those asking questions about the 10 Most Wanted is Lee Martinez, who provides housing outreach for Park City's immigrant community. {translation: immigrant really means invader}
"I'm wondering why the 10 Most Wanted are all Hispanics when all the crime is not committed by Latinos," he said. "It's interesting, given that the Hispanic community is only a small percentage of the whole community." {what percentage of the crime is committed by whites, like 5 percent?}
In fact, according to Park City police statistics, Martinez is right.
Of the 705 people arrested in 2004, 539 (76.4 percent) were Anglos, while 159 (22.5 percent) were Latinos, four were Asians and three were African-Americans.
According to the 2000 Census of Park City's 7,400 full-time residents 19.6 percent identified themselves as Latino. {these stats are bs considering that when hate crimes occur, they register hispanics as whites to make it look like all of the hate crimes are being done by white people}
Frustrated by implications of bias, Evans said his department has a good record of reaching out to the immigrant community. {quit being an apologist. you don't have to justify your actions to these vermin. take a look at sheriff Beck for an example of how to deal with these vermin}
"I had a choice as police chief: I could have said, 'We're not going to put up with undocumented workers.' But we didn't do that; we only went after the criminals," he said. "Immigrants only become a problem when they commit crimes." {uh earth to moron, they are illegal aliens. all illegal aliens are criminals because entering this country illegally is a federal crime. HELLO}