BREAKING: Impeachment Vote Against Mayorkas FAILS in Tie Vote – Here are the Three Republicans Who Voted to Reward Lawbreaking

By Cullen Linebarger
Feb. 6, 2024 6:08 pm

Credit: @GregPrice

As The Gateway Pundit reported, The U.S. House of Representatives today scheduled a vote to cast a historic vote on the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday.

The resolution, H. Res. 863, accuses Secretary Mayorkas of high crimes and misdemeanors, setting the stage for a contentious vote in the House of Representatives.

As expected, every single Democrat voted to ensure Mayorkas could continue to betray his oath of office and refuse to enforce immigration law. But it was three GOPers who bailed him out.

In addition to Rep. Tom McClintock (RINO-CA) and Rep. Ken Buck (RINO-CO), Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin joined the Dem Party.

Greg Price

BREAKING: The impeachment vote of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has failed with a tie at 215-215. Three Republican No votes that killed the impeachment were Tom McClintock (CA), Ken Buck (CO), and Mike Gallagher (WI)Scalise is absent due to cancer treatments.

6:45 PM · Feb 6, 2024

Greg Price notes that Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT), a supporter of Mayorkas’ impeachment, switched his vote to no at the end. He did this to ensure House Republicans could bring the impeachment resolution up again for a later vote.

Greg Price

Replying to @greg_price11

A 4th Republican Blake Moore (UT) flipped to No at the end. The reason he did it was NOT because he opposed it. It was so Republicans could bring up a Motion to Reconsider so they could bring the impeachment resolution back up again for a later vote.

6:51 PM · Feb 6, 2024

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.