Bryson campaigns on illegal immigration
Email | Print By Walker Duncan

06-26-2006 4:56 PM —
Gubenatorial hopeful and State Senator Bill Bryson (R-Frankin) held a press conference today, addressing the issue of illegal immigrants in Tennessee by highlighting the social harm he says they can cause.

In opening comments before a sparse crowd in Legislative Plaza, Bryson accused Governor Bredesen of "refusing to work with the legislature" in solving issues relating to illegal immigration. He went on to describe Senate Bill 2426, which would have required state law enforcement to turn over illegal immigrants to federal authorities.

The bill, which passed through the Senate, died before making it through the House. Bredesen's camp told out that the governor oppsed the bill because, though there was some federal funding for the program, that the bulk of the cost would have been placed on local taxpayers.

Bryson then turned the podium over to Heather Lynn Steffek, whose parents died earlier this month when illegal immigrant and recidivist DUI offender Gustavo Garcia crashed into their vehicle. Steffek called for Bredesen to "support legislation that removed criminal illegal immigrants from our midst." Bryson then retook the stage, vowing to have "the most stringent illegal immigration policy in the United States" as part of his campaign platform.

Steffek was not available for questions following the conference. Senator Bryson left quickly, answering few questions.