UNT student government sponsors "Rock the Vote" event
If you don't vote in 2008, you are so not rockin'.

By Pegasus News wire

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The University of North Texas Student Government Association wants the students under their auspices to register to vote in the 2008 election, so they're working in concert with Global Community Outreach Inc. and Innovative Social Solution to encourage them to do so by filling up the campus green with representatives of relevant organizations and hosting speakers of the same mindset (i.e., it's important for young people to register and vote). As Shana Gooch, dir. of marketing, promotions and public relations for the Student Government Association puts it: "We want to get students to start thinking about voting in the 2008 election and who their options are for candidates." Seems reasonable.

From 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 13, the North Texas College Republicans, League of United Latin American Citizens, Young Conservatives of Texas, Coalition of Black Organizations, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, College Democrats of North Texas and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance will all have representatives on hand on the green; taking the podium to offer up their enthusiastic support of participation on the democratic process will be Jorge Urbina, director and chairman of the Denton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Cynthia White, commissioner of Denton County Precinct 1 and a UNT alumna; Casey Thomas, president of the NAACP Dallas Chapter and a UNT alumnus; and Bonita Hairston, chief of staff in the UNT President's Office. Tunde Obazee (host of Empowerment Radio) will emcee the event.

At the Rock the Vote website, you can actually register to vote and then lord it over the rest of the slacker crowd on the green during the rally. (Or just join the Rock the Vote Facebook group and remain a slacker - your choice.)

http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/no ... ote-event/