Congress Votes to Require Bush Administration’s NAFTA Trucks Proposal to Comply With Congressional Safety Mandates

Provisions in Supplemental Funding Bill Require DOT to Address Safety Issues and Disclose Details of Plan to Give Mexico-Domiciled Trucks Full Access to U.S. Roads

The U.S. Congress last night put a premium on the welfare of American drivers by approving provisions in a supplemental Iraq funding bill to ensure that any pilot program to allow Mexico-domiciled trucks full access to the nation’s highways does not circumvent safety standards or congressional oversight.

Posted: 5/25/2007

Press release

More information about Mexico-based trucks

More information about NAFTA

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The provisions concerning cross-border trucking require the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to follow all applicable rules and regulations that apply to pilot programs in allowing Mexico-domiciled trucks into the country. They also mandate that trucking companies and trucks comply with all applicable U.S. laws and that the operation of Mexico-domiciled trucks in the United States does not have a negative impact on safety.

“We applaud the Congress’s persistence in ensuring the safety of the public on our highways,â€