Bush makes bad decision on Border Patrol case

To the editor,

I want to start out by thanking you for calling me concerning an admittedly hostile and downright offensive letter that I wrote. I had no intention of having it printed, but after the phone call I decided to clean it up.

It concerned my personal opinion about illegal immigration and the bogus case of the two former Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compeon. It was also in response to a column I read in the paper from a San Diego columnist named Ruben Navarrette.

To me, he is like the ultimate "Latino Spin Doctor," trying to make an admitted "illegal immigrant drug dealer" look like the victim. He is so wrong in the case of Compeon and Ramos it's sickening.

One of the reasons they were convicted is because the jury was not allowed to hear that Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila was caught entering the U.S. with drugs a second time after he got immunity from King George Bush's buddy, a Barney Fife look-alike named Johnny Sutton. If the jury knew about the second drug bust, that may have destroyed Aldrete-Davila's credibility. And, worst-case scenario, if Compeon and Ramos were guilty of a cover-up, that still does not justify an 11- or 12-year sentence for shooting an illegal immigrant drug dealer in the butt.

That last thing I want to say is, since Tennessee is part of the Bible Belt, and King George Bush claims to be a born-again Christian, just how Christian is it to allow anyone to rot in prison for 11 or 12 years for shooting an illegal immigrant drug dealer in the butt and then allegedly covering it up?

I think King George needs to readjust his moral compass, if he even has one and ask himself, "What would Jesus do?"

Just for the record, I ain't no bleeding heart liberal, and I think people like Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid are every bit as evil as King George Bush. God knows there's plenty of morally bankrupt in both the Democratic and Republican parties.

I could go on, but no newspaper is big enough to print everything I want to say. I just encourage everyone to make their voices heard on both illegal immigration and the Compeon and Ramos case. To me, these aren't Republican or Democrat issues. Those are right and wrong issues, and King George is wrong on both!

James E. Spohn

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