Bush Says U.S. Still at Risk of Attack
Aug 10 12:06 PM US/Eastern
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Associated Press Writer


President Bush said Thursday that a plot to blow up multiple flights between Britain and the United States shows "this nation is at war with Islamic fascists."

6/08/10/D8JDLIU00.html"This country is safer than it was prior to 9-11," Bush said from the airport tarmac here where he was appearing at events focused on the economy. "We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people but obviously we're not completely safe. ... It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America."

The president laid the blame for the foiled attack squarely on al- Qaida-type terrorism.

"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation," he said, his remarks carried live on television.

The president urged Americans to be patient with the many inconveniences that will result from the increased threat level that the plot prompted him to approve.

While on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Bush has been fully informed of the investigations that led to the arrest of 21 people in Britain who are accused of being involved in the plan, which officials said involved explosives smuggled on board flights in hand luggage.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said Bush on Wednesday approved raising threat level for all flights from Britain to red, designating a severe risk of terrorist attacks. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and the Homeland Security Council also recommended that all other flights be put under an orange alert, one step below the highest level, and the president approved that as well.

"We do believe the plot involved flights from the U.K. to the U.S. and was a direct threat to the United States," Snow said.

The increased security as a result of the new threat level is a necessary inconvenience, he said.

"You can't go overboard when you're trying to save lives," Snow said, speaking to reporters traveling with Bush on Air Force One en route to Wisconsin.

Still, despite what he called the serious nature of the threat, Snow said: "It is safe to travel."

Because Bush had been getting regular briefings on the developments for days, Snow said the president was not awakened overnight as action by British authorities was made public.

He and British Prime Minister Tony Blair held a lengthy teleconference on the matter Sunday and spoke again Wednesday by phone, Snow said.

"There were some signs," Snow said. "They thought it was time to move," he said of British authorities.

After the remarks on the plot, Bush was keeping to his plans to highlight the economy and attend a Republican fundraiser.

"This is an ongoing investigation that will play out over several days and weeks," Snow said. "We will constantly evaluate the nature of the threat and adjust our measures

Do you think our President really believes our country is safer even with our backdoor wide open? If he believes that then he is a bigger fool then I took him for, finally.
