In the following article, you will learn that US and Canadian companies are aiding and abetting Hezbollah by hosting 91% of their online business and web sites! How is this related to ALIPAC? Well, many of us have been enraged to find the US government enabling illegal immigration. If they are doing business with known terrorist groups, what is to stop these terrorists from simply walking over one of our borders and our government doing nothing to stop them?

July 18, 2006
U.S. & Canadian Companies Aiding Hezbollah
A new study of official Hezbollah websites reveals that 91% of online business services provided to the terror organization are done through U.S. and Canadian companies. Hizballah has been designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department.

The study finds that American companies provide 64% of all the services that the Hezballah sites require to stay online. 27% of the required services are provided by Canadian companies.

Except for al Qaeda, Hezbollah has killed more Americans than any other foreign terrorist organization. In 1983 the Iranian backed Islamist group killed 241 Americans in Bierut. In addition to 60 more Americans who were injured, 58 French soldiers were also killed in the car-bombing blast.

Three members of Hizballah, ‘Imad Mughniyah, Hasan Izz-al-Din, and Ali Atwa, are on the FBI’s list of 22 Most Wanted Terrorists for the hijacking in 1985 of TWA Flight 847 during which a US Navy diver was murdered. Elements of the group were responsible for the kidnapping of Westerners in Lebanon, including American Terry Anderson who was held hostages for nearly 6 years.

The Iranian wing of Hezbollah today threatened to attack American interests.

Hizbollah's main website, is hosted by FastServers, Inc., located in Chicago, IL. Another of Hizbollah's official websites,, is hosted either by a NY, NY company or a Green Bay, WI corporation Netsonic.

The Hizbollah 'charity' is hosted by Edmonton, Alberta's Tera-byte Dot Com.

These are just a few of the dozens of examples of U.S. and Canadian companies providing services to the terror organization.

Is it a crime to do business with Hezbollah? I dunno, but it should be.

UPDATE: Michael from Homeland Stupidity informs us that it is a crime to do business with Hezbollah. You can report violations to 1-800-540-6322.

The business services provided by these companies aid Hizbullah in keeping an online presence. And as we have noted dozens of times in the past, terrorist propaganda, training, recruiting, and planning is increasingly being facilitated by the internet.

It's time to take the online jihad seriously. A difficult task, but far less difficult than, say, physically disrupting terrorist cells.

Aaron at Haganah Internet has the full report here. Lot's more U.S. and Canadian companies doing business listed at link.

Posted by Dr. Rusty Shackleford at July 18, 2006 05:28 PM | TrackBack