Regarding the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA), citizens are assiduously writing and phoning their elected representative to stop this legislation, but to no avail. President Bush is hell-bent on getting this legislation through, primarily with the assistance of the liberal Democrats although he’s not above arm-twisting a few Republicans. Reportedly, Bush has convinced Senator Mitch McConnell to vote for this abomination. What’s most troubling is that the president is side stepping the concerns of the American citizenry and the conservative base of his own party that have been his staunch supporters.

What gives? Has Bush become demon possessed or a brain-dead zombie? Or is he having a psychotic break? Unfortunately, it’s nothing as exotic as the aforesaid, although any of those possibilities would certainly make for a good read. I think we’re looking at the classic downfall of many powerful men - Hubris and grandiosity give rise to profoundly poor judgment. OK, that and the fact that Bush is in a crummy mood since he’s had six and a half years of being pummeled by almost everybody. If only the president would take out his aggravation on the liberal Democrats (paging Senator Ted Kennedy and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) instead of playing footsies with them.

On the subject of the Immigration bill, we hear the proponents repeat the mantra “the status quo is unacceptableâ€