S. Walker Elem. Locked Down Two Days Due to Illegal Immigrants in the Area

Jan 24, 2007 05:15 PM PST

The Livingston Sheriff's Office is beefing up patrols after reports of illegal immigrants in and around South Walker Elementary.

The school is on Milton Lane near I-12, where border patrol agents normally make arrests.

South Walker Elementary was locked down for a second day in a row following an increase of illegal immigrants fleeing from border patrol agents in the area.

Last Friday, an illegal immigrant, who is also the parent of a child who goes to South Walker, ran inside of the school to escape the agents.

Just Tuesday, five illegal immigrants were spotted near the elementary school. And, it was immediately locked down as a safety precaution for about 30 minutes.

Wednesday, when a similar problem arose, police advised them to go on lock down again. Walker police say they are dealing with an increase of illegal immigrants like they have never seen before.

Chief Hunter Grimes says he credits the increase to the Livingston construction boom. And says Walker residents are upset about their living conditions, claiming about 15 to 30 people live in one trailer. They're also worried about people driving on the road without insurance.

Chief Grimes says, "They refuse to go back. And that's why they are fleeing in vehicles. At that time, they become a missile. They can hit a vehicle owner that has nothing but general coverage on their vehicle."

We caught up with some immigrants, both illegal and legal, at their work site in Walker. They say they are simply trying to make some money to support family back home.

Border patrol agents say one of the illegal immigrants they arrested had marijuana in his possession. A total of five arrests were made so far for the day.

If your child goes to South Walker Elementary and you have questions or concerns, deputies with the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Department say you should feel free call them.

That number is 686-2241.