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    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    PART 1 of 2

    By: Devvy
    October 1, 2007

    © 2007 -

    ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) have stepped up their efforts to enforce the law by rounding up illegal aliens who have smuggled themselves into our country and guess what? Business owners are upset because " ..increased enforcement against the hiring of illegal immigrants, will seriously impact profits and earnings in New York. In addition, the business owners fear that increased enforcement will lead to a labor shortage; many businesses are built upon, and have survived until now, only through the employment of low-income manpower." Low-income manpower? Translated that means businesses built upon criminally hiring illegals who have no right to work in this country. And, doesn't that just take the cake? The hell with the law, don't you dare enforce the law and cut in on my profits! Tell that to the thousands of family members still grieving for their loved ones slaughtered on our roads and highways by drunk illegals or outright murdered.

    Let's not forget other "Americans" who don't like the immigration raids underway to round up illegal aliens:

    At Least 56 Arrested in Immigration Raids at McDonald's

    "Agents for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement made at least 56 arrests in Reno, Sparks and Fernley after raids at the restaurants and a franchise corporate headquarters in Reno, agency spokesman Richard Rocha said.... The investigation began five months ago and was sparked by an identity theft complaint, Rocha said. A local law enforcement agency then gave ICE information that illegal immigrants were working at specific McDonald's restaurants, he said.

    "The raids drew immediate criticism from Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and activists, who estimated the number of arrests to be closer to 100. The mayor joined a news conference area Hispanic leaders and members of the American Civil Liberties Union called in front of the federal courthouse late Thursday. "We don't approve of the Gestapo methods ICE is using," said Gilbert Cortez, a Latino leader who urged Hispanic workers to stay home from work in protest Friday.

    "Think of some of the people who were arrested and picked up; they have children. They don't know where their mama or their daddy is. That's not right." ICE was working with Washoe County social services to help provide care for children, Rocha said. The detainees were allowed to telephone their family during the processing, he said. The workers arrested were being processed Thursday night and will be transferred to an unidentified local detention center to await deportation proceedings, Rocha said. The ICE has made several raids in recent months, including large ones at meat packer Swift & Co., poultry plant Crider Inc. and leather factory Michael Bianco Inc. Social service advocates said arrests in March at the Michael Bianco factory in New Bedford, Mass., created a humanitarian crisis, with some children left with no one to care for them."

    Same old bleeding heart drivel. First: These workers are in this country illegally. Second: They are not entitled to work in this country. Third: These illegals with children know they are in violation of our immigration laws because like thieves in the night, they slither across our borders without legal entry. These illegals with children know that they can be picked up at any time and deported. It is the parents of these children here illegally who are to blame, not ICE. As parents, they are responsible for making sure their children are taken care of and they know that if they're rounded up, sent to a holding facility and then shipped back to their mother country, their children are left behind. These parents made the wrong choice and now they and their children must pay the price.

    State and federal prisons in all 50 states are full of parents who made the wrong choice, i.e., a father or mother involved in robbery, meth labs, rape, murder. These parents are snatched from their children, thrown in jail, convicted and shipped off to prison. Their children are left behind because they thought of themselves first, not their children. The same applies to illegal aliens who are parents. You should have thought about it before you decided to sneak into our country, steal our jobs and defraud the system. As far as these so-called Hispanic leaders and members of the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) are concerned: Shame on you people. ICE raids are not Gestapo methods. These agents are doing their job: rounding up illegal aliens at great risk. I suppose ICE should send a polite letter in Spanish, Chinese or Laotian to kindly inform these illegals they have no right to work in this country. And, gosh, you're using phony social security numbers to obtain employment and we're going to come on down around noon time and arrest you, so please stay put and don't make our jobs difficult! Mayor Cashell is a gutless politician who cares about votes, not the law.

    Let me remind Mayor Cashell about the destruction of illegals to our nation and our people: Besides the cost of this invasion, how about the human toll? I pointed this out in a column, They Died for Cheap Labor, which carried a link to this web site of victims of illegal aliens. These sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, cousins, brothers, sisters - all murdered or killed by drunk illegals. There is another, new site up called Victims Of Illegal Alien Crime and this is part of their message:

    "In essence, not only are the victims of illegal alien crime ignored and forgotten, they are not even given the dignity of being a statistic. They just disappear. We are creating this registry and data base to change this disgrace, because the government should be tracking this aspect of crime. Through the VOIAC data base, FSM will attempt to correct this malfeasance. It is to be noted that the President and Congress swore an oath to protect and defend the citizens of the United States; it is their primary responsibility and their actions, or lack thereof, are an abrogation of sworn duty making the majority of them malefactors.

    "In collaboration with other investigations, FSM has discovered that the illegal alien population contains a disproportionately large percentage of hard core criminals, sexual predators, and drunken drivers. While the President and Congress have basically proposed amnesty to all the illegal aliens who are currently in the United States, for the most part they do not want to discuss or make known the massive collateral damage that many of those same illegal aliens are inflicting on the American people. Once those illegal aliens are made legal immigrants, or guest workers, they will simply be added to the resident criminal population. FSM believes Americans need to know the full impact of such shortsighted and irresponsible folly before it is too late."

    I have been saying for a long time: You must put the faces of all these victims of this illegals invasion right in the faces of state legislators, these craven, cowards in Congress and our fellow Americans and quit with the bleeding heart nonsense. The bottom line is that employers want cheap labor and they're willing to break the law to get it and SHAME ON THEM. American employers don't want to pay a fair wage in industries like agriculture and construction. They want millions of uneducated, unskilled illegal workers and their offspring for cheap labor and for we the people to be forced to pay for their education, medical and massive incarceration costs. Of course, for every one of the 12-25 Americans slaughtered every day by illegals from Mexico and South America - none of these illegals pay funeral costs for the victims or their families. They only leave behind the carnage:

    State Lawmakers Produce List Of Crimes By Illegal Immigrants: "In a blazing indictment of America's failed immigration policy, a report issued by Pennsylvania State Reps. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler), Tom Creighton (R-Lancaster), Mark Mustio (R-Allegheny) and Scott Perry (R-York/Cumberland) chronicles 120 individual incidents of crime against Pennsylvania citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants...."The Invasion PA report we are introducing here today without question shatters the inaccurate Un-American, Un-Civil Liberties Union spawned stereotype that illegal aliens continue to violate our nation's immigration laws in search of a better way of life or to fill the jobs that Americans supposedly won't do," Mr. Metcalfe said."

    Busloads of illegals are being let go because of no facilities to hold them! How many more Americans will be slaughtered by these criminals who are let loose upon our nation? There is a rage blowing across this country over this invasion and illegals threatening us in our own country: "Security on the border is real easy. Establish a 100 yard zone along the border. Put in an all weather road for troop movement. Set up a support bunker every few miles. Put an ARMED Marine, soldier, or national guardsman every 10 yards and shooting everyone who comes across for being an INVADER that they are. Any general that says we can't do this is to be immediately relieved and fired."

    Decades ago, the bracero worker program was in effect. Conditions were horrible for these seasonal workers who came across the border from Mexico. Anyone who says otherwise is lying; it was very bad. This program was abolished and this invasion began in earnest and has accelerated ever since. Once again, the problem for farmers is cheap labor and alleged lack of available labor. Would I pay an extra $.25 per head of lettuce to support American ag workers instead of getting fleeced for HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of borrowed dollars that have been spent fighting this invasion that Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush have allowed in order to further the agenda of world government? Absolutely. I don't want cheap clothes made by illegals in some sweat shop, I will pay a little extra for garmets made in this country by American workers.

    American workers are in major ag corridors, i.e., Fresno and Bakersfield, California, as just two examples. The real truth of the matter is the blame sits squarely on the shoulders of employers who want cheap labor and are willing to break the law to get it and Congress for refusing to stop this invasion and refusing to abolish the withholding taxing scheme which would boost the economy and provide more jobs in this country because companies would expand while paying decent wages - including our ag and construction industry employers. Stopping the withholding taxing scheme would immediately lower the overhead of American employers by 30%! Using the excuse that enforcing immigration laws and deporting illegals who have no right to work in this country is hurting the local economy is condoning lawlessness. For part two click below.

    PART 2 of 2

    By: Devvy
    October 1, 2007

    © 2007 -

    There could be a temporary, seasonal guest worker program set up with very tight controls for entry into this country, which includes what my grandparents had to present BEFORE they got on the boat out of Italy for Ellis Island: Proof of a TB test, an English proficiency test and proof they had someplace to live and work. However, the reality is that from all documented evidence, they don't work and temporary always turns into permanent. Our republic cannot handle any more legal immigration, never mind illegals. We must have a moratorium for at least ten years and then resume a reasonable number at 100,000 per year. I can already hear the screeching about America is a land of immigrants, blah, blah, blah. The melting pot is broken and only a moratorium will allow the states to cope with the mess Congress and past presidents have dumped in their laps.

    In my research I have found the following articles that present the facts in the real world. Here's just a small sample:

    There Is Nothing More Permanent Than Temporary Foreign Workers: "One of the most important lessons of the Bracero program occurred at its end, and showed that those closest to agriculture were most wrong about what would happen without Braceros. As Congress debated whether to end the Bracero program in the early 1960s, farmers argued that Americans would not do farm work and that, without Braceros, crops would rot in the fields and food prices would rise. The California Farmer, on July 6, 1963, said that growers and canners "agree the state will never reach the 100,000 to 175,000 acres planted when there was a guaranteed supplemental labor force in the form of the bracero." (Don Razee, "Without Braceros, Tomato Growers will Slash Acreage in ’64," California Farmer, July 6, 1963, p. 5). These predictions were wrong."

    Globalists Destroying America

    "In fact, when mechanization was attempted in tomato fields, California labor groups and activists such as Cesar Chavez fought it. For the most part those who came stayed, and they did not return to Mexico until the big roundup during the Eisenhower administration forced them to return. Journalist Howard Sutherland, who keeps up on these pesky details that irk the cheap-labor lobby and the ruling establishment, writes: "Mechanical lettuce harvesters were under development in the 1960s. That work was stopped. Today, lettuce is still harvested by hand in the field."

    "The bracero program also skewed the "free" market. It did nothing to allow business interests to adjust to paying higher wages or becoming more productive through mechanization. Instead it encouraged unrestricted, massive, illegal immigration, which flooded the market with more people at the expense of American workers, productivity gains through innovation, and the advancement of the nation and economy in general.

    "The BIG argument and myth, of course, is that the illegals take jobs Americans don't want. The current argument is that if 8 million to 14 million illegals are forced to go back to Mexico, the country will fall apart. Horse hockey. The country will adjust, and so will Mexico. We will have to and so will they and so will our elites. We might even see a resurgence of job creation and higher wages for blue collar and lower class minorities because unrestricted cheap labor will not be available. We might see productivity gains if some industries are forced to mechanize and adapt."

    Tom DeWeese had a superb column last week which gives Americans and these foolish politicians the staggering numbers regarding this invasion and here is but one sample of the current insanity which is paid for by the government stealing the fruits of your labor:

    "Health Care: The annual cost for uncompensated emergency care to Mexican Border States (California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas) is $200 million. California taxpayers paid $79 million for illegal alien health care. Four major Los Angeles hospitals were bankrupted and shut down in 2004. Texas paid $74 million. Georgia ran a $63 million deficit for 64,000 unpaid doctor visits in 2002. Cochise County, Arizona spent 30% of its annual budget on uncompensated care to illegal aliens. University Medical Care in Tucson, Arizona spent $10 million on uncompensated care to illegal aliens. 77 hospitals in the four Border States now face financial emergencies. Legal citizens are forced to fly emergency patients to other cities for treatment. Taxes are going up to compensate. Meanwhile, as a result of the Federal Emergency Medical Act, Mexican ambulance drivers are transporting hospital patients unable to pay for medical care in Mexico to facilities in the United States. The ambulances are driving through unguarded potions of the border with "little resistance" at the instruction of Mexican officials."

    Look that those numbers if you go to Tom's column. We the people are being bankrupted to support those who steal into our country, steal our jobs, murder our citizens and drain massive resources from our cities and towns.

    Center for Individual Freedom: "... 55,322 criminal aliens were arrested a total of at least 459,614 times, averaging over eight arrests per alien. The Department of Justice expressed its surprise at the 'extremely high' rate of re-arrests for criminal aliens when it found that that 73 criminal aliens in a study group were arrested a total of 429 times." That's according to Senator Jon Kyl, quoting a Government Accounting Office (GAO) study in National Review Online. Reflect on those numbers for just a minute. This GAO study is only counting the number of arrests! And that should bring two questions immediately to mind: How many actual crimes did these 55,322 criminal aliens actually commit? How is it even conceivable that each of these illegal aliens could be arrested on average a total of almost nine times?" GAO Report here.

    Let's not forget the massive violence in this country by gangs of illegal aliens. Let's not forget the number of children who have been victims of illegals who are violent child predators who rape and ruin America's children. Some are caught, the rest skip back across the border or stay here and continue their crimes until they are caught. We know terrorists are crossing the border from Mexico. Let's not forget the tons of drugs coming across the border targeted at America's children. Let's not forget these illegals driving on our roads and highways who have no right to do so, causing accidents that kill and maim who have no insurance and leave we the people stuck with our children's broken bodies. We are being fleeced in higher car insurance premiums to pay for this insanity, just like my daughter's case. USAA couldn't interview the illegal alien who smashed into her car (this illegal had phony Michigan plates and driver's license) because she skipped across the border at Tijuana, so they raised Brandy's premium! THIS is what these craven cowards in our counterfeit U.S. Senate are shoving down our throats every day of the week while they're at $1,000 a plate lunches or on exotic junkets they call "fact finding" trips. These damnable failures couldn't find a fact if it was tattooed on their arse.

    The people of New York has better rise up because the buffoons in power in your state are going to give illegals driver's licenses. In other words, they are going to aid and abet criminals who have violated federal immigration law by rewarding them!. These illegals have no reason to stick around once they have killed or maimed you, your beloved child or husband. If they aren't caught on the scene, they will skip back across the border and there will be no justice for you or your family. With the massive numbers of them on the road, odds are it will happen to you. NY Governor, Eliot Spitzer, the moral COWARD who refused to call a grand jury into 911, is behind this and the people of New York need to rise up and stop it now. Spitzer, like zombies, Michael Bloomberg and Rudy Julie Annie, is openly and deliberately ignoring federal immigration laws by supporting people who break the law and steal our jobs and now he's going to give them a license to kill.

    And, as predicted, another attempt was recently in the works for amnesty despite the overwhelming message we the people sent Bush and the lackeys in the U.S. Senate just three months ago:

    ALIPAC Activists Helped Defeat the Dream Act Amnesty! September 27, 2007

    "When Senator Dick Durbin announced his plan to place the 'Bad' Dream Act Amnesty into the defense spending bill via amendment, ALIPAC sprang into action to mobilize activists, media, and organizations across America to defeat the measure which would encourage illegal immigration. The ALIPAC web site receives over 3 million hits per month and the ALIPAC e-mail network now exceeds 25,000. More importantly, ALIPAC has established a national media profile with hundreds of talk radio stations and allied organizations to which the group helps provide strategies and talking points. "This Dream Act Amnesty was a Nightmare Act or 'Bad' Dream Act" says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "We used those terms from the start to convey the massive public opposition to this new attempt at Amnesty. When are these Senators going to start listening to the majority of Americans, instead of illegal aliens who are not supposed to be in America at all?"

    This isn't going to stop because it is crucial for this North American Union to integrate our country with a third world country, Mexico, into one region under global totalitarian government. Canadians are being sucked into this scheme and they are fighting back. That means open borders so why close them? It is Bush's agenda. One major solution towards stopping these repeated efforts to destroy this republic is for one state of the Union to challenge the Seventeenth Amendment fraud - the one regular readers know I have been pounding on for the past 15 long years. So far, not a single state, despite the sell out by counterfeit U.S. Senators like McCain and Kyl in Arizona for example, have taken up this challenge. I pray that in January when all state legislatures are back in session, it will happen. It will only happen if tens of thousands of people in these states like Arizona, Colorado and others who are being over run and bankrupted by illegals turn up the heat on their state legislators.

    How many more dead Americans and molested children will be enough for you?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member sippy's Avatar
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    many businesses are built upon, and have survived until now, only through the employment of low-income manpower."
    Roughly translated, this means civilized slavery. Which in itself is a contradiction in terms.

    If these businesses have made their successes from hiring cheap illegal labor, and now they are going to suffer profits because of the raids then it's no one's fault but their own.
    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results is the definition of insanity. " Albert Einstein.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    I don't care if these businesses are upset. Their dishonesty and faicitation of illegal immigration is burdening Americans. Their so called employees are a strain on the tax base. Companies that hire illegal aliens are just selfish and they are useing the aliens and the tax payers.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member CCUSA's Avatar
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    Exactly! We the taxpaying citizens for this country do not want to SUBSIDIZE CORPORATE AMERICA'S PROFITS!!

    They should fine these corporations and recoup the lost revenue and increased taxes we have had to pay because of this lawlessness of hiring illegals.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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