Millions of Tax Returns Will be Filed Fraudulently: Earned Income Tax Credit is Used by Illegals and Scam Artists to Get Undeserved Monies Mon Apr 13, 2:09 pm ET

WASHINGTON, April 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Millions of citizens and non-citizens will apply for tax refunds that they dont deserve according to a new report to be released by the Social Contract Press tomorrow.

The 51-page report, The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration: A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism, by financial analyst and economist Edwin Rubenstein, will be released at a News Conference at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at the National Press Club (529 14th St., NW, 13th floor) in Washington, D.C.

The new report has just been posted at the Social Contract Press website,

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the largest anti-poverty program in the United States -- and the most illegal-immigrant friendly, explains Edwin Rubenstein, author of the new report. In 2007 the General Accounting Office reported that between 27% and 32% of all EITC claims were improperly paid. Thats upwards of 6 to 7 million+ households -- approximately $12 to 14 billion dollars of fraudulent EITC payments in 2007 alone.

According to the report, the fraudulent tax relief went to people who never paid a cent in taxes, and may have already defrauded the government of huge sums each year. EITC scams are common, well-organized, and massive, Rubenstein writes in the report. Only Medicare reported a larger dollar amount of monies acquired illicitly.

Public policy expert, James R. Edwards, Jr., in a statement prepared for the April 14 news conference, says that the EITC [deprives] hard-working Americans of their own resources. It robs some to give to others. This is exactly the kind of so-called tax relief Obama talked about during the campaign and in his sales job for his economic stimulus bill. Obama is redistributing wealth via the tax code and misleading the public by calling it tax cuts. Rather its welfare by other means, Mr. Edwards said.

The EITC is the most accessible of the major entitlement programs and used by more people than food stamps and welfare (TANF) combined.

Rubenstein is former contributing editor of FORBES, and former economics editor of NATIONAL REVIEW. He is the author of two books and numerous articles in major newspapers.

SOURCE Social Contract Press