Illegals and type of legal immigrants causing people to leave South Florida in record numbers. I guess it is becoming like California.

Fewer People Moving Into South Florida From US
But Miami-Dade & Broward's Populations Continue To Grow
(CBS4) BROWARD COUNTY Does it seem like everyone you talk to is either moving to North Carolina or Georgia, or wants to?? No surprise.

For the first time in decades, more people moved out of Broward County than moved in from other states.

This trend of fewer people moving into an area is being echoed across the state. New census figures show from 2005 to 2006, the state gained only about 166 thousand new residents who moved in from other states. That down almost 100 thousand new residents from the year before.

Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties account for almost half of those losses. In fact, Miami-Dade has been losing around 30 thousand new residents a year for the last 6 years. Some of these losses can be blamed on the county becoming a gateway for immigration, both legal and illegal, and some suspect this status will soon impact Broward if it hasn’t already.

Another factor is South Florida’s skyrocketing cost of living that is making it harder and harder for the average working family to be able to afford to live and work here.

But even with South Florida's spiraling costs and downward trend of people moving into the area from other states, county populations continue to grow due to births and foreign immigration.