Video at the link.

Can't imagine this passing in California of all places but good for councilman David Couch for trying to do a job our federal government won't do.


Bakersfield Councilman wants to deny city services to illegal immigrants
July 17, 2007

Fourth ward Bakersfield City Councilman David Couch is taking aim
at illegal immigrants living in the city limits. At Wednesday's city council meeting, Couch will present three resolutions.

One would declare English the official city language. English is already the official language of California. The second states that Bakersfield not become a "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants. Third, and the most controversial asks city staff to research which city services could be denied to illegal immigrants. Couch told 29 Eyewitness News he was prompted to act.

"The federal government has failed to act in an appropriate manner," said Couch.

Immigration continues to be one of the most hotly contested--and divisive---issues and Bakersfield is no exception.

"Who is he to say such a thing? Where do his ancestors come from?"
said Bakersfield resident Henry Gonzalez.

"The councilman is very interested in making political hay out of this," said Jess Nieto, director of Heritage of America a non-profit organization which has services for immigrants.

The resolutions will be presented at the Bakersfield City Council meeting Wednesday evening starting at 6:30 pm.