Donnelly pitches bill ending tuition breaks for illegal aliens
December 11, 2010 12:00 PM
Natasha Lindstrom
By the numbers:

SACRAMENTO • Living up to his hard-line stance on illegal immigration, freshman Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has proposed legislation that would end in-state tuition breaks for illegal aliens.

Assembly Bill 63 would deny illegal immigrants eligibility for reduced in-state tuition at schools within the California State University and California community college systems. Current law offers tuition breaks to any student who has attended a California high school for three years, regardless of immigration status.

AB 63 would also require the state to provide in-state tuition rates to military members and their families who have been transferred to a duty station in California without enough time to complete three years at a California high school.

“The current situation is both costly and unfair, giving discounted tuition to illegal aliens and treating our armed forces, stationed in California, as less deserving than people who are unlawfully present in the state,â€