Juvenile probation to continue reporting arrests to immigration

By: Erin Sherbert
Examiner Staff Writer
February 11, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO — The Juvenile Probation Department will not change its current policy of reporting undocumented juveniles to Immigration and Customs Enforcement when booked on suspicion of a felony, the department chief said.

In a statement released Wednesday, Chief Probation Officer William Siffermann said the department has concluded it cannot change its current policies because it would violate federal law.

But this is in violation of the new sanctuary ordinance that prohibits probation officials from reporting undocumented youths unless they are convicted of a felony, according to Supervisor David Campos, who sponsored the legislation.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/Juvenil ... z0fF1tFXa0