Letter: Church doesn't listen on immigration
Posted: 09/26/2009 12:17:56 AM PDT

After 63 years as a loyal Catholic, I am totally disgusted with my church.

I recently attended a diocesan forum on the Catholic Bishops' Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. I understood the session would address Immigrants' Rights and Responsibilities, which it did, and include an open dialogue wherein attendees could offer suggestions. It did not.

I quickly learned the focus of the presentation was to aid and abet illegal aliens avoid deportation before the bishops successfully lobby Congress for yet another amnesty. Since the "one-time only" amnesty of 1986, Congress has passed six more amnesties for illegals. Now, in a severe economic downturn, the church is lobbying for yet another invasion of illegals hell-bent on milking taxpayers. I say, "Enough is enough."

If the church is successful, then the bishops can fund the new citizens from their vast treasury. Will that happen? Of course not. The bishops will piously accept the kudos of other socialists and pass the burden onto law-abiding taxpayers.

I feel totally betrayed by the bishops' actions. A mainstay of my entire life has proven itself to be just another self-serving bureaucracy that cares nothing for the sovereignty and security of the United States. Admittedly, the Republicans betrayed us on this issue for larger corporate profits. And Democrats betrayed us for votes. Why are the bishops subverting this country?

I urge all parishioners to attend the next forum and judge whether you support the bishops' treason.

— Mike Barth, Chico
