Unresolved Problems Segment
Immigration proposal dividing Americans

Guest: Senator John McCain

Presidential candidate Senator John McCain entered the No Spin Zone to defend the proposed immigration bill that is being widely denounced. The Factor asked McCain about accusations that the bill provides "amnesty" to lawbreakers. "This will include fines," McCain responded. "We're doing everything that I can think of to make sure that illegal behavior is punished. To call this 'amnesty' is a stretch." McCain also insisted that the bill will tighten border security. "Nothing will happen until Homeland Security certifies that we have taken the necessary action to secure our southern border. There will be automatic jail for those who cross our borders illegally." The Factor reminded McCain that some on the left say the bill is too harsh on illegals. "The New York Times wants open borders, they want all the 12-million people who will be legalized to bring in their extended families. They want to break down the white, Christian male power structure, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals."

News Link: McCain urges immigration overhaul

coming up next week..
the BIGOT himself. Lindsay Graham enters the NoSpinZone