Cornyn: We Must Relieve Cities of Costly Federally Unfunded Mandates Relating to Illegal Immigrants

Tells Texas Municipal League that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is Needed

Published: 03-14-07

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Immigration and Border Security subcommittee, told members of the Texas Municipal League on Tuesday that he will fight to relieve cities of the unfunded mandates of providing health care, education and other benefits for illegal immigrants. Sen. Cornyn made the comments to more than 80 city leaders, including mayors, city managers and city council members from across Texas.

“Texas cities increasingly bear the costs of the federally unfunded mandate to provide health care, education and other benefits to illegal immigrants,” Sen. Cornyn said. “We must work in Congress to provide some relief. As we resume consideration of immigration reform this year, I will work for a bill that enforces our laws and helps reimburse local governments so local taxpayers are not forced to pay the costs.”

Sen. Cornyn proposed an amendment last year during the immigration reform debate to impose a $750 surcharge on any illegal immigrant who applies for legal status to help defer the costs of the current unfunded mandates. Texans spend more than $4 billion annually on education for the children of illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born siblings. And Texas health care expenditures for illegal immigrants are more than $520 million a year. Hospitals and other emergency providers are currently mandated by federal law to provide health care for undocumented immigrants.

“Immigration reform remains a top priority for me. I’m committed to ensuring we bolster border security, enhance interior enforcement and implement broader immigration reform that does not hurt the economy. We must do this while upholding respect for the rule of law without providing amnesty.”

Another unfunded mandate is the cost of detaining illegal immigrants arrested in connection with crimes other than immigration violations. “When the federal government fails to live up to its responsibilities on the border, states and counties shouldn’t—and in many cases can’t—pick up the tab. They didn’t create this problem and local communities in Texas shouldn’t be forced to pay for it.” Sen. Cornyn said he will work to restore funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), which reimburses states and counties for these costs.

Cornyn also discussed improving transportation, including working to receive a greater return on the tax dollars Texas sends to Washington. He also addressed entitlement spending reform: “We must tackle entitlement spending. If we do nothing, this runaway spending will leave our children and grandchildren with an immeasurable amount of debt.”

Note: For a high-resolution, color photo of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks to the Texas Municipal League, contact John Drogin at or 202-224-0703.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services, Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee.