Gang-linked San Fran sanctuary case charged with murder of a father and two sons
By see-dubya • July 21, 2008 01:33 AM

These stories of preventable violence by illegal aliens are increasingly horrifying, and yet I suspect many of us have almost grown numb to them. But the San Francisco Chronicle’s Jaxon Van Derbeken, who has done a great job uncovering San Fran’s illegal-alien-crack dealer shuttle service, has now linked one of the sanctuary policy’s underage wards to a particularly heinous crime:

The man charged with killing a father and two sons on a San Francisco street last month was one of the youths who benefited from the city’s long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from possible deportation, The Chronicle has learned.

Edwin Ramos, now 21, is being held on three counts of murder in the June 22 deaths of Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16. They were shot near their home in the Excelsior district when Tony Bologna, driving home from a family picnic, briefly blocked the gunman’s car from completing a left turn down a narrow street, police say.

Ramos, a native of El Salvador whom prosecutors say is a member of a violent street gang, was found guilty of two felonies as a juvenile - a gang-related assault on a Muni passenger and the attempted robbery of a pregnant woman - according to authorities familiar with his background.
This is what the feel-good Sanctimony City policies bring upon their law-abiding citizens–and on the rest of the country. San Francisco had two opportunities to deport a violent felon with (if you’ll read a little further in the article) ties to the MS-13 gang, and they didn’t do it. They can’t even plead incompetence–the sanctuary policy worked exactly as it was intended.

The City of San Francisco wanted to keep criminal illegal alien juveniles like Edwin Ramos in San Francisco–or, at least, somewhere inside the United States. They were willing to frustrate a federal law to do so. And a devastating, preventable triple murder occurred because of their policy.

I hope that warm, fuzzy, liberal feeling of sanctuary sanctimony was worth it to them.

P.S. Looks like ICE screwed this one up as well: when they finally did get the suspect’s name in March, after a query from the SF’s sheriff’s department on a traffic stop and a gun charge, ICE didn’t report back that he was “deportableâ€