Sponsored by Taxpayer Revolution

The Initiative’s Laws Will:

REQUIRE issuance of the official "CALIFORNIA BIRTH CERTIFICATE" for births to ONLY citizens and legal permanent residents.
Birth to Foreign Parent document issued to all others.

STOP 18 years of WELFARE payments to illegal aliens for their U.S. born children.

ALLOW only CITIZENS AND PERMANENT LEGAL RESIDENTS eligibility for all public benefits including non-emergency and pre-natal care.

ALLOWS Immigration and Customs Enforcement to review approved applications for federal benefits that illegal aliens are permitted to receive due to a U.S. born child. (Please see the initiative summary.)

An article in the Sacramento Bee on September 10, 2007 by Washington correspondent David Whitney summed up automatic citizenship: "Although Congress has never passed a law saying so, no president has ever ordered it, and no court has ever ruled on the issue, each of these babies automatically becomes a U.S. citizen when it takes its first breath." This is taxpayer injustice.

Our citizen’s movement will launch the national debate we need to bring an END to AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP in the United States of America.

The movement will uphold the recorded words and real intent of the authors of our Constitution. To the authors and the states which passed the 14th Amendment "subject to the jurisdiction" is to mean that citizens are born to parents who are "NOT subjects of a foreign power."

The goal to stop automatic citizenship is critical toward reducing the crime problem. A major reason deported criminal illegal aliens return immediately to the United States after deportation is because they have left behind children born here. Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security, reported there are two million criminal illegal aliens.

There will never be "BORDER SECURITY" without ending automatic citizenship.

The initiative petitions will be circulating in 2009 to qualify for the JUNE 2010 ballot and can be downloaded at this site. Please volunteer to obtain signatures.

California voters: Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope and petitions can be mailed to you.

P.O. BOX 9985

Please inform us by email if you can volunteer to obtain signatures to help qualify this crucial initiative.

State Committee ID no. 1297837


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Endorsements for the Initiative

Patriot, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) Huntington Beach

Patriot, Congressman Brian Bilbray (R) Rancho Santa Fe, current Immigration Reform Caucus Chairman

Patriot, California State Senator Tom Harman, (R) Huntington Beach

Patriot, Ward Connerly, proponent anti-affirmative action initiatives

Patriot, State Senator Bill Morrow, retired

Patriot, State Senator Larry Sterling, retired

The campaign is proud to announce that we have formal support from the American Legion, Department of California, which has over 150,000 dedicated, patriotic members. We will be able to have petitions at all of the posts and mail to the membership. They are also associated with the auxiliary which has 100,000 members who are the spouses, daughters and sons of American Legion members.

You Don't Speak For Me, Al Rodriguez

Veterans For Secure Borders

NUMBERS USA has made a commitment to direct their over 75,000 California members to the website to support the initiative campaign and download the petition.

TEAM AMERICA PAC, Founded by Congressman Tom Tancredo

California Coalition for Immigration Reform

American Immigration Control Foundation, John Vinson

Phyllis Nemeth has personally endorsed, State Director of Concerned Women of America of California.

American Independent Party former Chairman Ed Noonan issued a statement with a pledge to gather signatures among their over 300,000 members for this initiative.

Pete Nunez, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

Tony Dolz, 30th District congressional candidate

Californians for Population Stabilization

The campaign is currently working for support of California Republican Party groups, elected officials, and other grass roots organizations. State Senator Harman is working on support from other state representatives. ... e&Itemid=1 ... ntent&id=4