We don’t need no stinking Mexican flag
by The Voice — published on April 5th, 2008
Carolyn Hileman

Peter Lynch Air force veteran convicted of destroying a Mexican flag, if this were in Mexico one could say that he got what he deserved after all it was their country and their flag and anyone who goes into another country and tears down their flag deserves to be punished. But he wasn’t in Mexico, he was in New Mexico and it is my understanding that is in the United States of America, and that flag was on a college campus flying alone. He did try and alert someone in authority before he took it down but since he was the one who took it down, we can safely assume that the person of authority did not think it was a problem, seems we have a lot of those these days. Now granted he did not get much of a punishment but the fact he was punished at all is beyond me.

I have yet to hear that anyone was charged with taking down the American flag at the Maywood California post office, stomping on it and raising the Mexican flag and I thought any vandalism of a post office was a Federal offense, I must be wrong though since no one was even charged for that. As a matter of fact, do you remember the marches and seeing our flag hung upside down under a Mexican flag? That is OK since the law enforcement there obviously doesn’t because no one was charged in that case either. But Mr. Lynch standing on American soil decides to take down a Mexican flag hanging on American soil is found guilty of destroying the Mexican flag??? The prosecutor said it wasn’t his flag to destroy, but I don’t think the one in Maywood belonged to the Mexican protestors did it? So where is the justice here, how is it that these people can take down our flag, stomp on it, burn it, pee on it and if an American citizen takes down a Mexican flag he is charged, has to hire an attorney and is then convicted of destroying a Mexican flag in the United States of America??

It is my belief that the good citizens of this country need to call these people and remind them what country they are in, if you believe that as well might I suggest you call (505) 277-SAFE (7233) Enough is enough I am sick of there being one law for American citizens and another for those who have come to this country illegally, I am sick of hearing how we must show compassion to criminals, I am fed up with American citizens being charged for things they will not touch an illegal immigrant for. This has got to stop, and the only way it will ever stop is if those who would vilify and incarcerate good American citizens for doing what any other red blooded American citizen would do are called to account for their actions. Our government is not going to do it, we are the only ones who will stand up for our country and demand that it be secure and we will be the only ones to say this is inherently wrong. We must let these people know that not only do we support what he we would have did the same thing as he did. This is America, we have our own flag, we don’t need no stinking Mexican flags…