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  1. #1
    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    CAFTA: Ideology vs. national interests

    CAFTA: Ideology
    vs. national interests

    Posted: July 27, 2005
    1:00 a.m. Eastern
    Pat Buchanan

    Using the Clinton playbook for enacting NAFTA in '93, the White House is twisting arms and buying votes to win passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

    And the seductive song the White House is singing sounds familiar. It is the NAFTA theme song. CAFTA will ease the social pressures that have produced waves of illegal aliens. CAFTA will increase U.S. exports. CAFTA will not cost U.S. jobs. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    If Tom DeLay's caucus delivers 200 votes for CAFTA, economic patriots will begin to look outside the GOP for leadership.

    In 1993, Republicans, by four to one, signed on to NAFTA. They believed the promises that our $5 billion trade surplus with Mexico would grow and illegal immigration would diminish. They were deceived. The NAFTA skeptics were proven right. The U.S. trade surplus with Mexico vanished overnight. Last year, we ran a $50 billion trade deficit. Since 1993, 15 million illegal aliens have been caught breaking into the United States. Five million made it, and their soaring demands for social services have driven California to bankruptcy. As for Mexico's major exports to us, they appear to be two: narcotics and Mexicans.

    With Middle Easterners turning up on the Rio Grande, patriotic Minutemen are patrolling the border because President Bush will not enforce our immigration laws. Who can believe this White House is serious, then, about halting the invasion from the Caribbean and Central America?

    It is time for Republicans who represent a Middle America that never wanted NAFTA to tell the White House the old talking points will no longer do. The open-borders, free-trade ideology of Clinton and Bush has run its course and begun to endanger our national existence.

    Today, "free trade" is about something other than the simple exchange of goods. Henry Kissinger tipped the Trilateralists' hand in 1993 when he wrote that NAFTA was the "architecture of a new international system," a great "step forward toward the new world order."

    Today's trade agreements are about reshaping the world to conform to the demands of transnational corporations that have shed their national identities and loyalties and want to shed their U.S. workers. Tired of contributing to Medicare and Social Security and having to deal with Americans who need health-care and pension benefits, they want to dump them all and hire Asians who will work for $2 an hour.

    Trade treaties have become enabling acts by which global companies desert their home countries. CAFTA will enable U.S. firms to shut down factories here, lay off their labor force, and hire Dominicans and Costa Ricans, but retain free access to the U.S. market. They get to fire their American workers – and keep their American consumers. What a deal.

    NAFTA and CAFTA are the shield laws of corporate absconders.

    What these companies want ultimately is a world government that will protect their absolute freedom to go where they wish and do what they want – the country be damned.

    Before Republicans go down to the well of the House and vote for CAFTA, they need to look at what has already happened to America.

    Under Bush, 3 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared, one in every six. States like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Illinois – which went for Reagan twice – are gone. A shift of 60,000 votes in the GOP bastion of Ohio, and Kerry would be president.

    The U.S. trade deficit in 2005 will exceed $700 billion – 6 percent of our entire economy. We are awash in foreign debt.

    With China, our trade deficit last year was $162 billion. Beijing is using its trade surplus to buy U.S. bonds, giving her a giant claim on U.S. interest payments – and to build and buy the ships, planes and missiles needed to fight a naval war off her coast. Wal-Mart is subsidizing China's strategic buildup.

    The industries we are losing now are not only textiles, shoes, TVs and toys, but autos, airplanes and computers. We are no longer the self-sufficient nation of 1940 or 1960. Even American sovereignty is being eroded, as the World Trade Organization orders Congress to change U.S. tax and trade laws, and Congress meekly complies.

    America can yet turn this around, but we are reaching a tipping point – where a sovereign, independent and self-sufficient American republic will cease to be.

    Thirty House Republicans can stop this process cold by just saying no to CAFTA. The Business Roundtable will get over it. After all, they have no place else to go. ... E_ID=45468

  2. #2
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Thanks Darlene. They are voting on this today so everyone needs to get on the phone.

    Here is the message sent by William
    I stay current on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's fight to Secure Our Border and Send Illegals Home via E-mail Alerts (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Medellin, Colombia, South America
    Darlene :

    Patrick J. Buchanan says :

    With China, our trade deficit last year was $162 billion. Beijing is using its trade surplus to buy U.S. bonds, giving her a giant claim on U.S. interest payments – and to build and buy the ships, planes and missiles needed to fight a naval war off her coast. Wal-Mart is subsidizing China's strategic buildup.

    Forgive me but I find that China is not interested in a Naval War in the Pacific Ocean with the USA.

    I don't think that we are going to see a second "Pearl Harbor"

    Why perish in a Nuclear War with the USA when China is conquering the world by Peaceful Means. That is by trade and commerce.

    The entire World is Flooded with cheap Chinese Merchandise. The 2.1% of Yuan Revaluation is ridiculous. It is candy to appease fools.

    And the Bill against China is not going to stop the Chinese Peaceful Conquest of the World. Perhaps the USA is going to continue importing Chinese Merchandise after the U. S. new trade bill against Chinese trade aggresivity. And importing like crazy for the US$200,000 billion in trade deficits this year or more.

    This problem of Chinese Dumping can not solved militarily. Only by talks with China and many nations.

    And Wal Mart is a pride for America and for the World. Sam Walton was a great entrepreneur and his successors too. I doubt that they are fools feeding a Powerful War Enemy.

    Vicente Duque

  4. #4
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    You have no clue what this bill is about.
    I stay current on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's fight to Secure Our Border and Send Illegals Home via E-mail Alerts (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP)

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Medellin, Colombia, South America
    J. P.

    You said :

    You have no clue what this bill is about.
    JP :

    You can illustrate me on the bill on China and its effects on the American Nation. I am not talking about CAFTA but criticizing Pat Buchanan for being a Super Hawk showing the Chinese as a Potential War Enemy.

    And the Bill on China is inducement for Congressmen to vote on CAFTA.

    I was referring to the Bill on China and not to CAFTA. You know that in order to induce some republicans and democrats to vote for CAFTA, then there is going to be another bill on China, limiting the big fllood of Chinese Merchandise to the USA.

    But many responsible economists including this very prominent enemy of CAFTA

    English Bill Provides Little in the Way of Direct Action on China

    William R. Hawkins

    Tuesday, July 26, 2005 ... od_ID=2039

    William R. Hawkins is the Worst and Most Intelligent Enemy of CAFTA that I have read. This guy knows a lot about Economics and History and has crossed spears on topics of Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776, the "Model Treaty" of Jefferon and Adams, etc ....

    And I agree with

    William R. Hawkins of American Economic Alert

    that the Chinese bill is too little, too late, and innocuous

    You can illustrate me.

    Vicente Duque

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