... een_hacked

Mexico: Calderon's brother-in-law wrote the vote-counting software, and it's already been hacked!
Submitted by lambert on Sun, 2006-07-09 09:59.

Election Fraud | Calderon | Mexican election | Obrador

This stinks.

And it’s a very familiar stink.

We’ve got it all. The rush to declare a victor before the votes are counted, the partisan software company—and voting software that’s proven to be hackable. (Read on for how. You’ll never guess what the password was!)

Al Giordano in NarcoNews:

Suspicions about computer-generated fraud – rooted, in part, in the fact that IFE’s computer systems were partly designed by companies and partners of Calderón’s brother-in-law Diego Hildebrando Zavala – have been raised anew by the statistical anomalies and inconsistencies both in the PREP counts and hard counts claimed by the IFE, particularly the lack of fluctuation in Madrazo’s hard count tally at the very moments when a radical shift occurred from Obrador to Calderón.

(Note that a full, manual recount is the only antidote for computer fraud.)

But wait, there’s more:

And the fact that IFE chairman Ugalde rushed, at 4 p.m. Thursday, to declare a winner without having transparently reported the region-by-region and state-by-state results (at press time, IFE still has not published them) smells as rotten as the legal fact that Ugalde is not empowered by any law to declare a winner but that he inexplicably did so anyway: that task belongs, legally, to the judicial branch of government, the Trife tribunal.

Ugalde’s illegal hurry suggests motive to literally play fast and loose with the facts, as he has done.

So, in Ugalde, at last we have our Katherine Harris! And our James Baker…

Here’s a little information on Diego Hildebrando Zavala. From The Mex Files:

Those contracts may have been perfectly legitimate — there aren’t that many Mexican data service companies, and Hildebrando SA de CV (and Meta Data, controlled by Diego Zavala ) are two of the few large companies that do this kind of work. STILL… Diego Zavala was denying any contracts existed, and was threatening a civil suit against AMLO for “moral damage” (basically, slander) until someone dug them up in the public record.


Of course they’re legitimate. That’s why Zavala denied they existed!

NOTE Original, in Spanish here. Of course, it would be great if someone could translate. [See here for translatoinof the no-bid contracts story.]

UPDATE The software has already been hacked. And guess how? This only gets better! Mex Files:

It’s slightly embarrassing. IFE, (Instituto Federal Electoral) deservedly is respected world-wide, and just today, was held up as an example of their north of the border friends of how to run a clean election. Unfortunately, the admiring articles in the U.S. press appeared the same day the Institute had to admit that PANistas had “somehow” gotten ahold of voter registration data. Of course, they’re saying it’s minor, though denuncias have already been filed.

Reporter Carmen Aristegui … acting on a tip from some so-far “unnamed source” accessed the data herself, using “Hildebrando117” as her password. “Hildebrando” is, of course, Calderón’s inconvenient brother-in-law.

Funny how all this gets left out of WPo’s coverage….

‹ Mexican election: The only thing missing is James Baker getting red-faced
Critical Faculties Check: Palast & Mexico ›
» lambert's blog
Mex Files
Submitted by Soonerthought (not verified) on Sun, 2006-07-09 11:02.
Oh this is getting very interesting…

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Were there exit polls in use
Submitted by Gimlet on Sun, 2006-07-09 12:29.
Were there exit polls in use during the election?

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of course...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2006-07-09 13:06.
Voting these days *ANYWHERE, ANY COUNTRY*, is all a scam… don’t bother, spend your time on revolting when things don’t go as they should!

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Hildebrando's background
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2006-07-09 13:15.
I have worked for these guys Hildebrando in Mexico city for three months. Unfortunately I know the onwer in person. They do have fraudulent business ethics. I dont doubt they cooked the books for this election. it is their style.
they basically win most government contracts due to relatives like calderon supporting them

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See the link above for "no-bid contracts"
Submitted by admin_lambert on Sun, 2006-07-09 13:21.
Sound familiar?

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Bunch of disinformation..
Submitted by Felipe Gtz (not verified) on Sun, 2006-07-09 18:00.
This post only show’s lack of information about the wokrings of mexican elections.

There is a paper trial of all the process, all party’s sign each ballot count, including the Obrador’s representatives.

Obrador hasn’t show any evidence of bad count, he demands a re-count in the hope that there are enough errors to invalidate the elections. He know’s that there is no way of winning the election.

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except those in the trash, felipe?
Submitted by chicago dyke on Mon, 2006-07-10 11:54.
the ballots we haven’t heard about yet?

all we’re saying here at corrente, and from experience, is that elections must be above suspicion of tampering, in order to be legitimate. it hardly matters if the tampering occurs in hackable machines or the old fashioned ballot box stuffing way. democracy has little value when a majority can’t agree that the leaders were elected fairly.