A call to patriots: hang together

Ken Marotte
January 5, 2007

Middle America — comprised of folks like me and you — has exhibited overwhelming support for increased immigration enforcement and the construction of a border fence.

According to Quinnipiac, 71% of Americans believe "additional measures are needed from Congress to deal with illegal immigrants entering the country." The same poll indicates that 65% support punishing businesses that employ illegals. Even a poll from CNN shows more than 50% in support of a border fence.

But despite their common sense and rational reasoning, American patriots are under attack like never before. From every conceivable angle, we are embattled. Think I'm engaging in political hyperbole? Read for yourself.

Before the turn of the year, FOXNews commentators Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke — themselves alleged conservatives — assailed those who oppose illegal immigration. Barnes called us "mean-spirited," while Kondracke was more blunt, identifying us as "populists and protectionists and xenophobes." This from so-called conservatives, our own brethren!

Just two days after the New Year, a Roman Catholic bishop from New Jersey commented, "The people who have come to this country work very hard, and in a particular way, they contribute to the economy of this country." Bishop Joseph Galante continued bloviating: "Hispanics carry in their blood and in their culture the values of the Gospel, the faith..."

Interesting. Perhaps Mexicans should patiently pray for deliverance rather than try to procure it illegally on their own. If God delivered Joseph from oppression, He can deliver Juan.

With the Democratic capture of Congress came the ascension of radical feminist Nancy Pelosi to House Speakership. Pelosi has voted against increased interior enforcement and the border fence, while voting for amnesty and Social Security benefits for illegals. And now, this woman kookily flexes her gaunt right arm, yelling, "Let's hear it for the power!"

Perhaps worst, President Bush has displayed an unsurprising willingness to work with Democrats on the issue of immigration. Then again, this comes as no surprise, given the merciless blow inflicted on Bush's amnesty by House Republicans. Now that Democrats are in power, Bush seeks to indulge in his more liberal tendencies — and we, my friends, are all that stand between sanity and amnesty.

* The 9/11 Commission Report suggested that we seal the border; for if we don't, it said, terrorists and/or their weapons could very easily pass through.

* Just two nights ago, gunmen angrily assaulted National Guardsmen who were patrolling the Mexico/Arizona border. As a result of legal emasculation, Guardsmen can't protect themselves with firearms — so our boys, under siege by Mexicans, ran away.

* The Violent Crimes Institute released that there are some 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the U.S. who have had an average of four victims each.

* Last year, tax refunds to illegal immigrants cost the rest of us $10 billion.

* Independent research and data recently proved that illegals, in attempting to gain entry and/or transfer drugs, kill 12 Americans each day. (This totals at 4,380 Americans killed annually by illegals.)

The facts are clear. For a country to be sovereign, it must have clearly defined and maintained borders. As seen above, neither the pundits nor clergy, nor Democrats nor Republicans, agree. Shall we allow them to plunge our country into cultural decay and national danger?

Benjamin Franklin once remarked to his fellow revolutionaries: "We must hang together, gentlemen... Else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." It's time for us to lock arms and stand firm against those who would do us harm. For if we fail, each one of us will pay the price — with our wallets, with our culture, and God forbid, with our lives.