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    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    Corrupt Mexico Renders Reconquistas Movement Silly ... p?c=182814

    Corrupt Mexico Renders Reconquistas Movement Silly

    Monday, April 03, 2006
    By Cynthia Walker

    I was sitting in the Kaiser waiting room earlier this week when two people next to me began to talk loudly about how terrible California is: the crowds, the traffic, the houses built up on the hills. They both spoke of how much better things were "back home."

    I gritted my teeth and kept reading, but I really wanted to yell at them, "If you don't like it here, go back where you came from!" Which in their cases was New York and Kentucky.

    I feel exactly the same way about people who say that their primary identification is Mexican, not American. I wish they would go home and make Mexico a better place to live and stop cluttering up my state.

    Of course, no one is going home to Mexico, or to Kentucky, for that matter. There are few jobs in Kentucky, and none in Mexico. There are no jobs in Mexico because the government is corrupt. Bribery is not a scandal in Mexico; it is a way of life. Business cannot prosper in Mexico. So there are no jobs. Surprise.

    Therefore I can fully understand the illegal immigrant's desire to sneak into California and take a crappy job for substandard wages. He wants to work, make money, eat and support his family. I can even understand why he wants to return to his family and home. Family ties are strong; homesickness tears the heart.

    I cannot understand the Reconquistas and the Aztlan movement. These are the people who will say publicly that California, nay, the entire southwestern United States is, and of right ought to be, part of Mexico. They say we stole it from them. They say they are in the process of reconquering it. These claims stagger me, for two reasons.

    My first reason is historical. This land we call California was inhabited by animals from the beginning of time to approximately 15,000 years ago, when human beings from Asia apparently took advantage of an Ice Age to cross the Bering Strait to America. These Asians conquered America, stole it from the animals.

    In 1769, Spanish Europeans arrived in California, entering from the south to prevent Russian Europeans from making more permanent bases in the north part of the state. The rights of the contemporary inhabitants were ignored. In 1822, California's allegiance was given to the newly independent nation of Mexico.

    In 1846, John Drake Sloan raised the flag of the United States over Monterey. Mexico formally ceded California to the U.S. in 1848. We have been part of America ever since.

    So historically, Mexico's claim to California is hogwash. America has held California for 160 years, Spain held it for 53, Mexico for only 24. Mexico's claim is the weakest of any.

    My second reason is political and economic. Why in heaven's name would we turn the government of California over to Mexico? They cannot even govern their own country, can't provide jobs or security or liberty or justice or basic human services to their own people.

    One of the top three revenue sources in Mexico is the money Mexican emigrants send home from jobs they hold in the United States. If Mexico took over California, our economy would evaporate and all of us would have to sneak over the border into Nevada for jobs. Insane.

    Unfortunately, just because an idea is insane does not preclude it from happening. There was no sane political or economic reason to give the USSR control over Eastern Europe. The USSR could not adequately govern itself, never mind a third of Europe. But they got it and held it and kept it backwards and impoverished for 44 years.

    There is no sane political or economic reason to hand over control of Israel to the Palestinians. Israel is a prosperous, modern, democratic nation; Palestine is a rogue terrorist camp. But the Arabs who live in Israel have on average nine children per family, and the Israelis have only four. In 30 years, Jews will be outnumbered in Israel.

    The Reconquistas' claims and plans are insane, if one values prosperity, justice, truth, or liberty. But that is no reason to ignore them.

    Malthusian outcomes take very little notice of prosperity, justice, truth, or liberty.
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  2. #2
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    was Georgia - now Arizona

    Thank you for that one.


  3. #3
    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    Aztlan MovementTranscends U.S's Capitalistic and Oppressive Ideals

    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Dear Editor,

    I am a proud graduate of Gilroy High School and a former resident of California (from 1979-2001) First off I would like to commend Cynthia Walker for writing such a great article. My reference to this article being great is that I believe that we as Americans truly should value and exercise one of our greatest freedoms whenever possible: Freedom of speech.

    All too often we may find ourselves holding ourselves back as to be politically correct and as not to offend anyone. We find ourselves "gritting our teeth" as Ms. Walker stated. Instead of engaging with intellectual conversation with our neighbors we take offense to the first words we might hear, instead of digging deeper to what may have caused those words to be uttered.

    As a former Gilroy resident, I take offense to those who live in Gilroy post 2000 and do not contribute to maintaining a sense of community. I am directly referring to individuals whom may find themselves locked up in their $1 million residences and for no reason whatsoever would ever find them selves volunteering or contributing in more hardship burdened areas such as "across the railroad tracks".

    You want to talk about scandal and corruption in the government and use Mexico as the poster child for this way of life? Talk about hypocrisy, one need not look down south to find corruption and scandal in politics and government. We currently have top government officials in the Republican Party who have been involved with dastardly deeds including "sanctioned" acts of terrorism.

    This is nothing new to America's government. Both Mexico and the United States' governments are derivative of Eurocentric, oppressive twisted interpretations of liberty, democracy and freedom.

    They have done a good job as to pull the wool over your eyes and making you believe that you have the freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If this were true then our nation's financial wealth would not be distributed in the following format: The wealthiest 1 percent of households owns roughly 33.4 percent of the nation's net worth, the top 10 percent of households owns over 71 percent, and the bottom 40 percent of households owns less than 1 percent (source: the Survey of Consumer Finances, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board).

    As for understanding the reconquista and Aztlan movements: It is not for you to understand. Fortunately, you have never walked a mile in my or any other oppressed brown person's shoes. You have never lived a day in our lives, and upon my worst enemy I would not wish such a life filled with hardships and responsibilities. I will never claim to nor attempt to understand what it is like to live a day in the shoes of a "middle class Anglo person who isolates themselves from the world of reality."

    Our movements do not seek the physical reconquista of California or any other land.

    Our movements seek the re-awakening of a subconscious genetic knowledge and inheritance. Our ancient cultures and societies predate that of any Eurocentric community.

    The plan to "hand over political control" of any current land being governed by the United States has never been a part of any Chicano movement that I'm aware of. I would strongly suggest picking up a copy of "Amoxtli San Ce Tojuan - We are One" on DVD.

    This documentary tells of the story of immigration in the ancient America. What we seek is not physical, political or any other form of control over anyone. What we are struggling for is to empower those whom are led to believe that because you are brown you are less valuable, less than human and an expendable byproduct in the process leading toward the advancement of Eurocentric, capitalistic, materialistic, oppressive and individualistic ideals.

    To refer to Malthus and contribute to the anit-immigrant hysteria currently plaguing our nation reminiscent to that of the "red scare" of McCarthy-era America shows that we need to continue to fight for human rights within the United States which is often referred to as the world's "only super power."

    We have a lot of work ahead, since us brown folks are going to be the majority in 2018 or so. We have to ensure that we have leaders whom believe in basic human dignity and rights. I am thankful for those like Tom Tancredo of Colorado and former governor of California, Pete Wilson. It is because of these individuals and those who share ideals like them that I find great motivation to continue the spread of philosophies and ideals of "Aztlan movements" to future generations.

    Those who believe we must assimilate to a master culture or set of ideals, it is for them that I pray for during my prayers, I send the smoke of mother earth in their directions so that maybe a spirit of peace and love for humanity may someday awaken them from their slumber of ignorance, racism, and bigotry.

    ˇViva el movimiento!

    Long live the movement!

    Ceasar Tony Montoya, former Gilroyan
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    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    Regarding Mexican Immigrants and America

    Saturday, April 15, 2006
    By Cynthia Walker

    Mr. Ceasar Tony Montoya letter published April 8 contained a few inaccuracies and misconceptions evincing a definite, shall we say, bias. I would like to address those misconceptions.

    First: I do not live in a million dollar house on the hill. I live in a 1,463 square foot house less than a block from city hall, in a mostly brown neighborhood. Some years, we are the only Anglos on our block. At present, there are at least two other Anglo families. I think that's a record for the 19 years we have lived here.

    Is it not rather bigoted of you, Mr. Montoya, to assume that I don't live in the barrio?

    My point about scandal and corruption in the governments of Mexico and the USA seems to have gone over your head, so I will reiterate it. In the USA, corruption is a scandal. If a Republican is caught doing what he oughtn't, he resigns quickly before he can be voted out.

    Democrats sometimes get away with things like stealing secret documents or money laundering at Buddhist temples or adultery in the Oval Office, (depending on what one's definition of sex is, of course), because the press is less apt to make a stink about scandalous acts committed by a Democrat. In Mexico, corruption and bribery are so widespread as to be not worthy of comment.

    Mr. Montoya says that it is not for me, a mere Anglo, to understand the reconquista or the Aztlan movements, and that he will never claim or attempt to understand what it is like to be an Anglo. I find these to be rather bigoted remarks. I fully intend to keep trying to understand other human beings.

    The most amazing statement Mr. Montoya makes is "Our movements do not seek the physical reconquista of California or any other land."

    The Aztlan website,, says otherwise. It is also a sickening sewer of anti-American and anti-Semitic vitriol.

    The National Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) is a little less overt. Its first objective is to liberate nuestra gente (our people). And its official symbol is "the eagle with its wings spread, bearing a macahuittle in one claw and a dynamite stick in the other with the lighted fuse in its beak. The acronym MEChA shall be above the symbol with the phrase "La Union Hace La Fuerza" below." Unity does (or makes) Force.

    The Mexica contingent is the most extreme. They state that merely liberating the southwestern United States is not enough. They want to take the whole USA and Canada and unify it with Central America into what they call Anahuac.

    They back up their claims with some bogus history interspersed with a smattering of truth. Their website is . The good news is that they despise the reconquista, Aztlan and La Raza movements as being too timid in their goals and too Eurocentric. I love it when my ideological opponents fight amongst themselves.

    The other good news is that a recent Zogby poll found that Americans had a negative reaction to the marches of misguided zealots protesting the re-criminalization of illegal immigration. The protests backfired, especially the signs saying things like "This is our continent, not yours!" and "We are indigenous! The only owners of this continent!"

    In 1907, Teddy Roosevelt said:

    "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

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    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    All citizens, Shamefully, Pay for Illegal Immigration

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Dear Editor,

    Much like racist and self-proclaimed "oppressed brown person" Caesar Tony Montoya, I am thankful to Tom Tancredo and Pete Wilson. However, so I am for they are not afraid to say the obvious: "They keep coming!" We learned from the 1986 amnesty that more will come, expecting a future amnesty.

    I am proud to know several legal immigrants. Much like my grandparents, they came here legally, they learned English, they don't receive welfare or other taxpayer-subsidized health care, and they didn't (and still don't) expect people to cater to them in their native languages. Is it by pure coincidence that none of the above ever waved foreign flags to demand handouts? But they didn't come from the Americas; think about it: Do you see foreign flags of Asian, Middle Eastern, or African countries in those marches? Or is it just that they didn't have Democrats and unions to coddle them or the racist Aztlan nonsense to motivate them?

    Socialist losers like Montoya, Weymouth, and the other scum who blocked traffic to protest HR4377 see future Democrat allies in the voting booth. That is why Senate Democrats blocked this bill. Unethical businesses want the horde of cheap labor to further stagnate wages. In a last, drowning grasp at garnering support, labor unions (of which it should be a crime to be a member) recently forwent their last shred of decency and formed alliance with illegal-alien advocates.

    If anyone thinks he's getting vegetables and fruit cheap because illegal aliens pick them for minimum wage, think again. When the picker or his child gets sick, and each time he fathers one of his 10 kids, you are paying the medical bill. When he gets in an auto accident and has no insurance, you are footing the repair bill. If he goes to school in California, he gets in-state tuition (or in some cases free admission) while Americans and legal immigrants pay full or out-of-state tuition!

    Go to a parent meeting in Gilroy Unfit School District; it'll be in Spanish. There are enclaves nationwide because the numbers are so great that they are not forced to assimilate. Such failure to control our borders puts us on the fast track to Third-World status. An excess of unskilled labor means cheap labor and wage stagnation. And emigration isn't doing Mexico any good, either.

    Aztlan is to MEChA as "Greater Germany" was to the Nazis - losers trying to take land that is not theirs. No, no se pudo, Montoya. Muerte a su "movimiento" y a los que lo soportan. Take your foreign flags, and Shawn Weymouth, and keep marching south until you cross the border, and don't come back!

    Alan Viarengo, Gilroy
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  6. #6
    Ekbalam's Avatar
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    ? What do u mean by ReConquista??? As I Know anybody want to conquest or re conquest any land! All these people just claim legal rights1 Civil Rights! Human Rights!

    Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
    Democracia y jUSTICIA

  7. #7
    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    Are you here to troll, or do you have anything intelligent to say?
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