CEOs urge Arizona to forego immigration measures
Posted: Mar 16, 2011 1:37 PM CDT Updated: Mar 16, 2011 1:52 PM CDT

PHOENIX (AP) - Dozens of major Arizona employers are urging state lawmakers to not pass additional legislation targeting illegal immigration, saying it would damage the economy and tourism industry.

A letter signed by CEOs of major employers and several business and civic groups says Arizona should be pushing for federal action on immigration and border issues.

The letter says "unintended consequences" occur when the state "goes it alone" on illegal immigration, including boycotts and other fallout on businesses.

Signers in the letter distributed Wednesday by the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce include heads of construction companies, hospitals, real estate developers and US Airways.

The Senate is poised to considering various bills on illegal immigration, including measures on citizenship, driving, hiring and using public services.