... on-reform/

Hispanic Caucus (CHC) joined together announcing an aggressive fall strategy to move Comprehensive Immigration Reform toward enactment. The unveiled plan involves four key steps this fall:

1) An immediate up or down Senate vote on the DREAM Act with no amendments. Majority Leader Harry Reid indicated Tuesday this would occur in coming weeks;

2) Lawmakers called on the Senate to support the comprehensive immigration reform legislation that Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) will introduce. House Members previously introduced such legislation (H.R. 4321, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act) and have already collected support of more than 100 co-sponsors;

3) The White House must address the massive toll that deporting 1,100 men, women, and children per day takes on immigrant families. Lawmakers called on the President to cease the deportation of non-criminals and those who pose no threat to the U.S.; and

4) Rolling back a Bush-era interpretation of immigration law that gives state and local police “inherent authorityâ€