Any takers for the job the
"Reluctant Chief Law Enforcement Officer"
doesn't want to do?

"There will be some unhappy consequences for the economy from doing this," the Homeland Security chief says of the new immigration enforcement measures unveiled Friday.

L. A. Times quotes DHS Sec. Chertoff's grim warnings of economic consequences of enforcing immigration laws. Check out the reader comments!

There may well be an economic downturn for those who profited from illegal aliens, Mr. Chertoff. But while you looked the other way and didn't do your job, we have suffered lost income and the social costs of illegal aliens . . .

more crime than we've ever seen in the lower 48,

uninsured and unlicensed (BAD!) drivers who can't read "YIELD" or "ONE WAY - DO NOT ENTER,"

ESL classes and classrooms of non-English-speaking illegal alien children,

emergency rooms and labor and delivery rooms packed with no-pay illegal aliens,

welfare benefits, Medicaid, public housing, food stamps, WIC, in-state tuition and more for illegal aliens who do not contribute financially to the social safety net,

and 3 out of 10 prison cells occupied by illegal alien criminals that refused to be ignored, even by law enforcement officers ordered to stand down.

Yes, Mr. Chertoff, there will be an economic downturn for some businesses and their stockholders.
But the rest of us will survive.