Let this soldier’s wife stay in U.S.

ALEJANDRO ESCALONA alejandroescalona@comcast.net November 16, 2011 5:26PM

I doubt that President Barack Obama — or, for that matter, any other Democrat or Republican public official — has the guts to look in the eyes of a U.S. soldier who has served in Kuwait and tell him that his wife will be deported and his family separated.

But this is what could happen to Rosa, wife of Army Spec. Hector Nunez, when her humanitarian visa expires on Dec. 19. A family lawyer is weighing whether she should now seek a permanent visa or a one-year extension of the temporary permit, but I’d like to suggest that the feds step in and end this uncertainty now — simply let Rosa stay.

Rosa grew up and went to school in Chicago, has never committed a crime and married a soldier who was willing to die for our country.

“My wife grew up as an American,â€