By Frosty Wooldridge
June 14, 2010

A massive cover-up continues across America concerning illegal immigration. Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer and other top networks assist in this deceit. They avoid exposing Americans to how fast our country suffers invasion. They won’t report on the usurpation of law and order. They neglect to expose our borders being overrun by an average of thousands of illegal aliens daily. They won’t report on Spanish becoming our most divisive language crisis. They refuse to report on the growing depth of this national catastrophe as it hits individual American citizens.

Aiding the collaboration, you can count on most of the members of Congress right up to the highest officials in the White House. Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, Bidden and all the way up to the grand master dude in the White House, Barack Obama, collude on how to continue illegal immigration into the United States. Senators Hatch of Utah, McCain and Kyle of Arizona and Congress critters Degette of Colorado, Dillion of Illinois and Nancy Pelosi of California refuse to do their sworn duty along with hundreds of others. These men and women, sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution, instead, subvert it, deny it and won’t enforce it. They promote their own agendas, which are, chillingly, against American citizens’ interests. They applauded Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon after he explicitly insulted the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

They ignore our immigration law enforcement to such an extent that today, Arizona voters voted SB 1070 as a states’ rights initiative to stop illegal aliens that are overrunning their state. It costs Arizona taxpayers $1 billion annually to pay for illegal aliens using services. Their schools have been overwhelmed, English language trashed, hospitals bankrupted and their jobs stolen by illegal immigrants.

However, Americans scream daily as they suffer from this massive, unrestricted national nightmare. Every state is affected. Millions of Americans suffer unemployment. Our national debt grows past $12 trillion. Immigrants disrespect our language. Our collective anger grows. A mounting discontent screams in coffeehouses and across the Internet.

Those screams include hundreds of e-mails cramming my in-box monthly. They arrive from 48 states. They affect every social strata of America. They are cries from the American Middle Class, which is being destroyed by this immigration invasion. Listen to their voices:

“I live in San Gabriel Valley and used to work in Los Angeles. I saw how the illegal Guatemalans and Mexicans worked together to steal from the retail shop I worked at. They help each other steal and tried to do even more when the boss wasn't looking. I'd try to report it but the manager was in on it and the company didn't do anything so I kept my mouth shut as I spoke limited Spanish and was the only Anglo working with the stock clerks. Illegals steal everything in sight.â€