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  1. #1
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    Illegal Immigration and U.N. Troops in the U.S.

    Illegal Immigration and U.N. Troops in the U.S.
    "Paul Revere" Crawford

    For many decades concerned Americans have been trying to warn their fellow citizens about the potential dangers posed to U.S. sovereignty by the United Nations. Some have even suggested the possibility that United Nation troops would be brought to American to aid in “peacekeeping� operations in a not too distant America torn apart at the seams by violence and ethnic conflict. For the most part, these voices in the wilderness have been scoffed at and most of them have been branded by the uninformed as “kooks� and “conspiracy nuts.�

    Consider the following scenario. The year is 2012. The United States has refused to do anything about the illegal immigration problem and the southwestern part of the United States has been transformed into a de facto Hispanic nation within a nation. The Anglos are no longer the majority in Texas, California, New Mexico or Arizona. Although the vast majority of American citizens including many Hispanics voiced their concern about the dangers of illegal immigration, the politicians were either too greedy or too afraid to do anything about it, allowing a demographic transformation to take place in the southwest that is virtually unprecedented in modern history.

    Due to the government’s failure to act, a group of concerned citizens begin to patrol the border in an effort to keep out the illegals. Militant Hispanic activists, using this citizens’ movement as a pretext (though many others would have worked as well), decide to stage a protest on the border in order to provoke rioting and racial hatred thereby hoping to win other Hispanics to their cause. A violent conflict ensues along the border as a result and the news of the deaths of several Hispanics in the confrontation incites an uncontrollable wave of rioting throughout several major cities in the southwestern portion of the U.S.

    The U.S. government responds with heavy-handed measures and several people are killed, leading to denunciations by Mexico and many other countries that belong to the U.N. Martial law is declared and there is a clamor to bring in U.N. “peacekeeping� forces to restore order. The U.N. pressures the United States to recognize the southwestern portion of the country as an independent Hispanic nation.

    Does this sound unbelievable? Consider the fact that several prominent Hispanics in the U.S. have already commented upon the inevitability and desirability of the creation of a Hispanic nation in the area that now includes the states of Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico.

    According to Charles Truxillo, a professor of Chicano Studies at the University of New Mexico in an article that appeared in the Albuquerque Tribune in 2000, a new Hispanic nation within the U.S. will become a reality in the near future: "Not within the next 20 years but within 80 years. I may not live to see the Hispanic homeland, but by the end of the century my students' kids will live in it, sovereign and free."

    Truxillo also suggested in the same article that a “cadre of intellectuals� was needed in the U.S. to prepare the population for just such an eventuality, referring to the future Hispanic homeland as “La Republica del Norte.�

    He concluded: “We will one day be a majority and reclaim our birthright by any means necessary--and we shouldn't shy away.�

    The same article pointed out that the state of New Mexico where he was a professor already has a Hispanic majority with 52% of the population being listed as Hispanic in 1998.

    Other Hispanics in the United States that hold prominent positions in government and in the bizarre world of academics have also made similar comments, openly expressing their intense racial hatred towards Anglos.

    For instance, Jose Angel Gutierrez, a professor at the University of Texas in Arlington and founder of La Raza Unida (The United Race) once proclaimed: "We have an aging America. They are dying. They are sh***ing in their pants with fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him!"

    Richard Alatorre of the Los Angeles City Council exclaimed: “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over.�

    Proposition 187 in California that advocated modest reforms with regard to illegal immigration in that state was referred to by Art Torres, the Chairman of the Democratic Party in California as “the last gasp of white America in California.�

    Mario Obledo, California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Jerry Brown suggested: “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.�

    Politicians and intellectuals in Mexico also actively support the “reconquista� or takeover of the U.S. by illegal immigrants. Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General admitted: “We are practicing ‘La Reconquista’ in California.�

    An important newspaper in Mexico, Excelsior noted: “The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdicition of Mexico without firing a single shot.�

    Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo said in a speech made in Chicago in 1997: “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are an important, a very important, part of this.�

    The Mexican government actually publishes a survival manual for illegal immigrants in order for them to cross the border safely and make contacts in order to find work and legal help. Many militant Hispanic groups in the United States are already posturing in order to gain outside support for their cause.

    For instance, a militant, anti-Semitic hate group that advocates the creation of a Hispanic nation within U.S. borders and refers to itself as the Nation of Aztlan has compared the plight of Hispanics in the U.S. to that of the Palestinians in the Middle East. In its publication, La Voz de Atzlan in an article entitled “La Raza as Palestinians� the group proposed: "There are great similarities between the political and economic condition of the Palestinians in occupied Palestine and that of La Raza [La Raza means “the race� in Spanish and is used here to refer to Hispanics of indigenous or mixed origin. – P.R.C.] in the southwest United States…

    "The similarities are many. The primary one of course is the fact that both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have used military means to conquer and occupy our territories…

    "For La Raza it happened in 1848 when Mexico lost the southwest at the end of the Mexican American War and the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. For the Palestinians it occurred in 1948 when the Zionist Jewish People’s Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum and signed the “Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel� on the day in which the British Mandate over a [sic] Palestine expired…

    "In Aztlan, [the name of the supposed Hispanic homeland once it is established – P.R.C.] we have had few sporadic riots where only a few Mexicans have been killed… However, with our increasing population and the nervousness of some white hatemongers… the situation is extremely volatile. All it takes is one little spark at the right time and all hell could break loose. Raza, let us be prepared in case we have to rise and defend our families and our community." [emphasis mine.]

    Do you still believe that ethnic conflict and U.N. troops are an impossibility in the southwestern portion of the United States? Consider that Hispanics accounted for nearly half of the U.S. population growth between 2000 and 2004. In terms of sheer numbers, the Hispanic population in the U.S. increased by 3.3 million during this period while the Anglo population increased by only 1.3 million. During this period the Hispanic population grew nationwide by 17% to 41.3 million.

    Could a revolutionary movement for the creation of a Hispanic homeland within the U.S. succeed? In Civil War Two, author and war veteran Thomas Chittum summarized Mao Tse-tung’s three requirements for conducting a successful guerilla campaign:

    Condition 1 is the active support of a significant portion of the population, say 10%. It is sufficient that the remainder are [sic] apathetic or terrorized into submission.

    Condition 2 is secure sanctuaries for the guerilla formations to operate from. An adjacent country whose government actively supports the guerilla is ideal…

    Condition 3 is ongoing aid from a foreign government in the form of financial assistance, armaments, diplomatic and other support.

    With regard to the Hispanic independence movement in the U.S. all of the above conditions have already been met and conditions will continue to become more favorable as the demographic transformation in the southwestern regions of the country via illegal immigration continues unabated. While many Hispanics are still against illegal immigration and are patriotic, the number of militant Hispanics is increasing everyday through illegal immigration and the concept of dual citizenship. Mexicans are encouraged to illegally cross the U.S. border to settle and are by law allowed to keep their Mexican citizenship even if they eventually become U.S. citizens. This law, recently put into effect by the Mexican government operates to maintain the loyalty of its citizens living in the U.S.

    In relation to the second and third conditions, it is not hard to imagine Mexico’s complicity in any attempt by Hispanics in the U.S. to instigate a revolution or guerrilla movement in the U.S. to create a new Hispanic homeland or to annex the country as a part of Mexico.

    Indeed, in a Zogby poll of Mexicans conducted in 2002, 58% of those surveyed agreed with the statement: “The territory of the United States’ southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico.� Certainly the intellectuals and the elite of Mexico believe that the southwestern part of the U.S. still rightfully belongs to Mexico based upon their own statements and public proclamations. Thus, a Hispanic independence movement in this country would undoubtedly receive the support of the Mexican government and probably others as well.

    Finally, is it possible that the U.S. government would kowtow to the U.N. in the event that the latter demanded independence for Hispanics in the American Southwest during a period of revolutionary upheaval? If one has paid close attention to the news, one can find precedents of the U.S. government bowing to the demands of Mexico via the United Nations and its accompanying organizations. For example, the Mexican government, which strongly opposes the death penalty, recently filed a demand in the World Court on behalf of several Mexican citizens that were condemned to die for crimes committed in the United States. The Mexican government demanded a stay of execution for several of its citizens on death row in the U.S. and the World Court ruled in its favor. In this regard, Mexico has also refused to extradite fugitives to the U.S. accused of killing police officers in the United States.

    In the event of an uprising in the U.S. by Hispanics the pressure brought to bear upon the U.S. government would be intense to cave in to the demands of the revolutionaries. Consider the fact that many politicians are already deathly afraid of the mere subject of illegal immigration for fear of being labeled a racist bigot. Could a Hispanic independence movement succeed in the United States? Unless, Americans choose to deal with the issue of illegal immigration and the implied threats to U.S. sovereignty we may soon be forced to test this hypothesis firsthand.

    Feel Free to post a response to this article
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Hello.....Hello.....anybody home up there?

    If you hadn't noticed, the "hypothesis" is already being tested!

    AND....look one came to our aid.

    We are alone and on our own.

    200,000,000 strong, mad as heck, and ready to do:

    Whatever It Takes.

    And Mr. Greg James who wrote an article recently in the Seattle Times, suggesting we'd all just be better off to accept the "pragmatists" approach to immigration and let every one in who wants to come, I hope millions like the "rainforest" environment of Seattle and establish there "resettlement" camps in Mr. James house. They will find "him" unnecessary and in the way and then "boot" him out and onto the street. Then he and his family can move forward in life, should they still have theirs, without any money, without any housing, grabbing whatever they can get out of a garbage can, hiding out under an old "refigerator" box in some dark dirty diaper infested alley way of Seattle and enjoy his new life in American, again should he still have his, under his sicko-wacko-evil-life-sucking-parasite-from-hell "pragmatists" approach to "immigration".

    I doubt seriously if the "La Raza" crowd will want their alleyways cluttered with the likes of James and his family; I doubt seriously if the "La Raza" crowd will want their dirty faces cluttering the "sidewalks, curbs, storefronts" begging for food, water, a place to pee, or "day work".

    I doubt seriously that when "La Raza" rules....they'll give a hoot about Mr. James and his foolish "pragmatists" approach to immigration let alone all his "needs" he and his family will have then.

    I suspect...."La Raza" will just do the pragmatists thing....and exterminate these surplus Gringos cluttering up their new Land.

    I mean, it's not like this hasn't been done before somewhere.

    Where was that?

    Oh yeeeeeeah.....Germany about 60 years ago....Hitler....the Nazis....transitioning, transforming.

    But surely not as the "La Raza" crowd is predominantly Catholic and I'm sure their religious beliefs would prevent such a catastrophe.

    I'm sure the new Pope would never stand for such a "transition, transforming" event. But wait, the new Pope was rushed through with the fastest vote in the history of the Catholic Church, the news reports said. Due to his "age" many wondered why such an Old Pope. The answer was, his age was not a problem as they did not need him to rule for long, just during the transition as a "transition Pope".

    I asked: Transition? Transition to WHAT???

    Some queried about his being from Germany with some history there pertaining to some transitions and transforming events....there.

    Connect the Dots, PEOPLE!!

    WAKE UP!!

    This is 2005 and 1/2. 2012 is 6 1/2 years away. They are not waiting. It is happening now.

    WAKE UP!!


    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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