April 24, 2008, 11:17PM
Channel 8 hour on immigration draws a crowd
Live program focuses on areas of concern locally

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It was a town hall meeting on immigration billed as "Houston Have Your Say," and Houstonians spoke up in person, via e-mails, over the phone and even on YouTube videos.

In many ways, it was a first as more than three-dozen Houstonians, often on opposite sides of the immigration debate, gathered in a television studio Thursday evening to take part in a live exchange broadcast over Houston PBS Channel 8.

Patricia Gras, an Emmy award-winning journalist, helped pace the hourlong show as she questioned speakers about the impact of illegal immigration on local economy and security, the educational system and local heath care providers.

"I think having a conversation in an open forum is always worthwhile," said Sacha Lazarre, a staff member of the non-profit Neighborhood Centers Inc. "It's not going to solve the problem, but it's a necessary first step."

The cost of providing health care was a hot topic.

David Lopez, president and CEO of the Harris County Hospital District, said 10 percent of the district's $1 billion in heath care is provided to illegal immigrants, mostly to women and children. He said most of the care was given in the emergency room, and was not for "tummy tucks and face lifts."

Dr. Avi Markowitz, with the cancer center at UTMB in Galveston, said 80 percent of undocumented patients are not eligible to receive services for costly drug treatments for cancer.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what a disproportionate effect that has," he said, "and for every undocumented patient I take in that setting, I may be turning away, 10, 20, 30, 40 U.S. citizens because of the cost outlays to pay for drugs for those patients," he said.

Annica Gorham, director of the Houston Interfaith Worker Justice Center, said both legal and illegal immigrants in Houston are being exploited due to government policies.

''We all must always remember that federal law states that no matter what your immigration status is, here in the country, we all have the same rights at work that means the right to fair pay,'' she said.

The effect on local education was also discussed.

"We see right now entire schools speaking a single language: Spanish," said Curtis Collier, president of Houston-based U.S. Border Watch, who said it cost twice as much to educate the students.

The broadcast ended with an exchange between a professor and a politician on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Stephen Klineberg, the Rice University sociology professor who earlier released his annual Houston Area Survey, likened current immigration policy to Prohibition.

"We do not allow enough people to come to do the jobs we desperately need to be done, and jobs they (immigrants) are desperate to do."

State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, was quick to respond.

"What would we do with another 12 million?" he asked, referring to the estimated population of illegal immigrants.


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