Oklahoma voter registration law survives U.S. Supreme Court decision

Oklahoma requires those registering to vote to swear under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens but doesn't demand documents proving citizenship, as Arizona did.
By Chris Casteel Published: June 17, 2013
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court decision to strike down a voter registration law in Arizona will not affect the process in Oklahoma, which requires registrants to attest to U.S. citizenship but not provide documents proving their status.

In a 7-2 decision Monday, the high court ruled that Arizona could not add requirements for voting in federal elections — that is, for president and members of Congress — beyond what a federal form requires.
Arizona required concrete proof of citizenship, but that requirement was struck down. Kansas, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee have similar requirements.
Congress approved the National Voter Registration Act, also known as the “motor voter” law, in 1993 to encourage voter registration through a simplified process. The act requires states to accept and use a form developed the Election Assistance Commission.
That form requires registrants to swear under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens.
Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion, said the 1993 law forbids states from demanding “that an applicant submit additional information beyond that required by the Federal Form.”
The court held, however, that states could deny registration if they had information in their possession that an applicant was ineligible.
Paul Ziriax, secretary of the Oklahoma State Election Board, said Monday that the state has its own registration form but is also required to accept the federal form.
“In both cases, citizenship is confirmed by a signed oath,” he said.
“In Oklahoma, falsely swearing on a voter registration application form is a felony. It is also a felony to cause an unqualified elector to become registered to vote or to submit a falsified voter registration application. Election-related felonies are punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a $50,000 fine.” Praise for ruling
The Supreme Court opinion was hailed by Hispanic and civil liberties groups.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which represented some of the parties challenging the Arizona law, said Monday that 90 percent of about 31,000 U.S. citizens whose voter registration applications were denied in the state were actually born in the United States.
Laughlin McDonald, special counsel for the group, said, “This decision reaffirms the principle that states may not undermine this critical law's effectiveness by adding burdens not required under federal law.”
Tom Caso, associate professor at Chapman University School of Law, said, “The Supreme Court today opened the door to noncitizen voting today by striking down Arizona's voter registration proof of citizenship requirement.”
Pruitt had wanted law upheld
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt joined other states on a brief to the Supreme Court urging the justices to uphold Arizona's law, arguing that there have always been “grave doubts” about the constitutionality of the federal voter registration law.
The U.S. Constitution allows Congress to regulate the time, place and manner of elections, but states have the power to define the electorate, the states argued in their brief.
Pruitt's office declined to comment Monday on the decision.
