Long article but Canada is waking up to the news too!

http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/F ... 01367.html

CNN's Lou Dobbs reveals illegal political-military-industrial elite agenda to destroy Canada, the U.S., and Mexico

by Traci Lawson

Feb 23, 2007

Watch CNN's Lou Dobbs and his CNN colleagues provide a historical and general overview of the fascist North American Union agenda to destroy Canada, the U.S., and Mexico in favour of governance by military and Big Business elites.

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CNN's Lou Dobbs reports that newspapers and other media in Canada are referring to, as innocent on-going consultations to combat "terrorism" and promote "co-operation" among U.S., Canadian, and Mexican political elites, are actually not so innocent. Talks that are being officially labelled as "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP), are really aimed at destroying the independent sovereignty of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, under the cover provided by the "War on Terror".

Elites who are linked to a industrial-military complex, are seeking to further consolidate a "North American Union" that is to be run by them. The apparent clandestine nature of these "negotiations" in itself, CNN's Lou Dobbs further reports, reveals that their sought "North American Union" (NAU) will not be in the quality-of-living related interests of Canadians, Americans, or Mexicans. The NAU is a fascistic attempt to replace the democratic foundation of constitutions in Canada and the U.S., with what Mr. Dobbs reports as a "shadow government" of elites.

The SPP was not spawned with public involvement, but by the institutional convergence of Big Business-oriented economic policies associated with North American Free Trade (NAFTA), continentalist military elite interests associated with the U.S. headquarters based North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), and the political cover of initiated "War on Terrorism" legislation.

Former Prime Minister John Turner had led opponents against NAFTA in 1988. He charged that this Agreement which was championed by then Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, would eventually lead to the destruction of Canada, under auspices of a U.S.-based elitist political-military-industrial complex. Then Prime Minister Mulroney, who is now a principal advisor to the current Stephen Harper Conservative minority government, had denied this claim, saying that NAFTA would protect Canada's independence, and only lead to "prosperity". As it turns out, the "prosperity" in the form of the SPP would be for elites, and not for the general public which has experienced a significant undermining in quality-of-living indices. Indeed, Canada has been slipping from its former no. 1 position in quality off-living, as a result of worsening oppressive poverty in Canada.

Traitors among Us is a book for further reading on this subject.

Worsening poverty in the U.S. has also continued, as the rich become richer in that country. The U.S. has the worse gap between rich and poor of any country in the world, and the NAU agenda would further concentrate political economic power into a un-democratic fascistic elite complex.

Originally, these elites sought to take-over Canada, the United States, and Mexico, along with the Caribbean, Latin America, and South America, under the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). However, well organized pro-democratic opposition in parts of Latin America, and South America, led by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez stopped the FTAA.

As a result, in the absence of local democratic opposition as a result of a coordinated effort to maintain public ignorance, elites in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, have sought to continue to purse the "conquest of North America" as a consolation prize.

Latin and South American leaders who were presented with the FTAA sell-out of democracy, rejected it. However, in Canada, elites saw fit to sell out Canada, similarly as elites in the United States have sought to sell out without any Congressional scrutiny, American national public interests.

You see, these elites over the years have had enough of having to "share money that could as they see it, be exclusively going to support various elites purposes, instead of being "wasted" in such areas as universal public healthcare in Canada; environmental regulations; holding democratic elections; social policy areas from welfare, to education, to unemployment insurance; and other "budgetary inconveniences" associated with democracy. Frankly, they have had enough of what they see as certain "weak minded" politicians in the House of Commons in Ottawa, and in Congress in Washington D.C., who are holding up "true progress" in behalf of a New World Order where "only the fittest survive".

As far as these elites are concerned, "thankfully", the "War on Terrorism" has provided a "great opportunity" in which the diverse public in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, will, on seeing "acts of terrorism" will be "forced" into the NAU to "vanquish the terrorist enemy".

In Canada, the handful of elites who have succeeded in acquiring ownership to Canada's mass-media, and who are linked to the Stephen Harper government, and political elites from other political parties, have seen fit to put a "media block-out". An elite clique has placed an apparent "media block-out" on raising public awareness in Canada, on the "North American Union" (NAU) agenda. The Lou Dobbs presentation has provided the kind of critical exposure of the NAU, which has so far been sabotaged by mass-media elites in Canada, that are linked to NAU advocates in Canada. Silence on the NAU agenda in Canada, stands out as nothing short of the greatest political scandal and conspiracy in Canadian history, and is tantamount to high treason, as defined by Canadian constitutional law.

But in the U.S., where there are been some coverage by diverse media organization; some efforts are in play to fight the NAU. Jerome Corsi of the newly formed Coalition to Block North American Union said: “There’s hardly a major area of public policy where the Bush administration has not, through the SPP working groups, rewritten our administrative law and regulations from being U.S. in nature to being North American in nature.” The coalition to block the North American Union wants to defeat a proposed NAFTA superhighway that would stretch from Texas all the way to Canada.

Parliament in Canada, and Congress in the U.S., have been left largely out of the loop. Lawmakers in the U.S. who have heard, like Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA), are "hell bent" on keeping a North American Union from happening, “The interests of hard-working businesses in this country, hard-working workers in this country, and the average citizen in the United States should be placed ahead, in my opinion, of some international global theory that I think would harm the United States and most of its citizenry.”

The following are quotations extracted from Lou Dobbs' coverage which aired on February 5, 2007, as well as February 21, 2007, about the apparent neo-fascist "North American Union" (NAU).

Mr. Dobbs incisively charged the NAU scheme to be "outrageous".

LOU DOBBS SHOW on the fascistic agenda of "North American Union" Aired February 5, 2007 - 18:00 ET

And a top Bush administration official blasts critics of the White House plan to form a North American union without the consent of Congress or the American people in a speech -- you guessed it -- in Mexico City.

We'll have that special report, much more. And we'll be reporting to you tonight on a perfect storm in public education in this country.

All the day's news straight ahead here tonight.

ANNOUNCER: This is LOU DOBBS TONIGHT, news, debate and opinion for Monday, February 5th.

Live in New York, Lou Dobbs.

DOBBS: Good evening, everybody.

DOBBS: The Bush administration tonight is pushing, rather publicly now, its Security and Prosperity Partnership, a plan to "integrate the economies" of the United States, Mexico, and Canada by the year 2010. You're thinking, you didn't vote for that, your congressman didn't vote for that, your senator didn't vote for that. You're correct.

It is a very ambitious plan for three very different economies and nations. It's moving forward without congressional oversight, in many cases congressional knowledge, and certainly not the approval of the American people. Nor, for that matter, the Canadian people, nor the Mexican people.

Christine Romans has our report.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN Correspondent (voice over): In Mexico City, from the Bush administration, a rare acknowledgement of concerns about its Security and Prosperity Partnership.

CARLOS GUTIERREZ, Commerce Secretary: We have three different countries. They are three different sovereign nations. They have their own laws, their own culture, their own history, their own governments. And within that framework we can build a stronger Western Hemisphere without pampering with local and national sovereignty.

ROMANS: The commerce secretary denies an outright plan for a single currency or a European-style American union. Instead the goal is "harmonizing" hundreds of rules and regulations from health care, to trucking, to energy, to cut red tape and make companies more competitive within the three nations.

But critics see stealthy changes taking place deep within government bureaucracies with input from business and academia, but away from lawmakers and voters.

REP. WALTER JONES (R), NORTH CAROLINA: All this is about is about open borders, open borders between Mexico and America, America and Canada. Open borders without any controls, and there's no telling what could happen to this country that would be detrimental to the future of America.

ROMANS: But Gutierrez says security comes first.

GUTIERREZ: The priority must to be keep those out who want to do harm, but to ensure that we can continue the flow of more goods and the flow of job creation across our borders.

ROMANS: Numerous SPP documents reveal a goal of moving people and goods more easily among the three countries.


ROMANS: According to SPP documents released through Freedom of Information requests, architects of the SPP are aware that they've got a little bit of an image problem.

Congressman Jones says he thinks there's an image problem for a reason. He's written to the White House now twice about detailed questions about the SPP. He says he's been ignored on this.

DOBBS: Well, this White House is ignoring and has ignored Congress in nearly every instance in which it doesn't get a rubber stamp. The idea that Carlos Gutierrez, the commerce secretary, is talking about this in Mexico City and not addressing it publicly before Congress, the fact that all of these things are happening behind closed doors, I mean, why is there not some greater sense of what's going on, on the part of this government?

ROMANS: Congressman Jones points out that there's a Web site at the Commerce Department. He says he doesn't want a Web site. He wants to sit down and find out what this is all about. Trade, these things belong in the arena of Congress. And he'd like it see some oversight there.

DOBBS: I have to say that what we're watching here and what you've reported and all of our colleagues have been reporting on with the so-called North America union, and in a few other quarters, the American people have every reason to be very concerned. The suggestion that these -- these corporate and business elites, and now we can include some of the luminaries of geopolitics, George Schultz and others, meeting on these issues behind closed doors, without the approval or the knowledge the American public is ridiculous.

And we're going to continue to focus on it and get to the bottom of it.

Thank you very much.

Christine Romans.

We invited, by the way, Commerce Secretary Gutierrez to be -- to join us this evening. He wasn't available to join us tonight. We sincerely hope that the commerce secretary will find it convenient to join us here, because I would really like to know, and I'm sure that you would as well, just what in the world the Bush administration thinks it's doing carrying out this kind of policy without the approval of the American people or the United States Congress. There is still that little thing called a Constitution that does affect all of these -- these movements on the part of this government toward a security and prosperity partnership.

That brings us to the subject of our poll.

Do you think the American people should have a say? Perhaps a national referendum before the United States continues to pursue so- called integration meetings with Canada and Mexico? Yes or no?

We would love to know what you think. Cast your vote at loudobbs.com. We'll have the results upcoming.

Time now for some of your thoughts.

Richard in Illinois said, "Lou, I can't believe that not one Democrat has signed the petition to give the two Border Patrol agents a full pardon. I hope the American public can see the writing on the wall that these Democrats have an agenda that supports illegals and they will do anything to get the Hispanic vote in 2008."

And Jack in Utah, "Two and a half million dollars to close off the tunnels between the United States and Mexico? I didn't know a couple of sticks of dynamite cost that much."

LOU DOBBS SHOW on the fascistic agenda of "North American Union" Aired February 21, 2007 - 18:00 ET

Also, the Bush administration aggressively moving ahead to create a North American union without the consent of either Congress or voters.

We'll have that story…


LISA SYLVESTER, CNN Correspondent (voice over): A caravan of cars travels along the Arizona desert. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff was visiting the U.S.-Mexican border. Last week, he was in Mexico City.

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez visited Mexico February 1st. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales January 11th. And President Bush himself will travel there next month.

The high-level meetings are to advance North American integration, also known as the Security Prosperity Partnership.

JIM EDWARDS, NUMBERSUSA: There are several ways it could go. One is modeled after the EU. One is modeled after sort of the -- an economic community. It's beyond the scope of just a trade, free trade zone, which we fairly well have already with those two countries.

SYLVESTER: This partnership is being driven by the U.S. business community, which envisions ships from China docking in Mexico instead of California, Mexican truck drivers transporting cargo on a NAFTA super highway, all the way to Canada. A cornerstone of this model is a guest worker immigration program that relaxes U.S. borders.

Critics say the plan would greatly benefit Mexico but could mean the loss of American jobs and an increase in social costs to U.S. taxpayers.

ROBERT RECTOR, HERITAGE FOUNDATION: The reality is that last year they came close to passing a bill which would have allowed close to 100 million immigrants into the country, most them low skilled, over the next 20 years. That will in fact bankrupt the United States.

SYLVESTER: Those concerned with integrating the economies point to the disparities. The U.S. GDP per capita is $43,500. Canada, $35,200. Mexico, only $10,600.

The average adult in the United States has 12 years of education. In Canada, 11.5 years. Mexico, only a little over seven years of schooling.


SYLVESTER: And this Friday, another round of top-level meetings in Canada. Secretary Michael Chertoff, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez will be meeting with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts.

Now, the press releases say the focus will be on providing for the free flow of trade, helping secure borders, and keeping the U.S. competitive. But Lou, really what they're talking about is this new economic integration -- Lou.

DOBBS: And Congress is sitting basically on its hands, saying nothing, hearing nothing, apparently, as we continue to report on this outright outrageous conduct. SYLVESTER: And it is even possible that Congress may not even have a say. What we are hearing is that the Bush administration is trying to use NAFTA as the justification for doing a lot of this -- Lou.

DOBBS: This is an arrogance and abuse of power that frankly this administration is laying a claim on for the history books to be written for years to come. It's extraordinary.

If you want -- we should let our viewers know, Lisa, that if they want to write their congressmen or their senators, they can go to our Web site, loudobbs.com, and there select your congressional district and whoever's representing you and your family, or your senator, or both, and you can send an e-mail there with your thoughts on this.

This is outrageous.

Lisa, thank you very much for keeping us up to date. NAU fascist agenda Backgrounder

"Just when you thought it might be safe to go on to topics other than regional integration and trade practices driven by the love of money and the lust for power, you get blindsided again", says Steve Yates.

As Steve Yates further reports…

While Americans. as well as Canadians, were reflecting on another anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, "Globalists" of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico were making their way quietly, quietly, to Banff, Alberta for the North American Forum held at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel Sept. 12–14, 2006. The meeting was closed-doors.

Canadians and Americans thanks to an elite controlled mas-media, have been largely kept in the dark about one of the biggest unfolding events of the present decade: the globalist social engineering of a North American Union.

WorldNetDaily was able to obtain materials marked Internal Document, Not For Public Release. The whistleblower, Mel Hurtig, noted Canadian author, publisher, and former leader of the National Party of Canada, told WorldNetDaily that the “secret meeting was designed to undermine the democratic process…. It was clear that the intention was to keep this important meeting about integrating the three countries out of the public eye.”

Representing the Bush administration. in Banff was Former U.S. Secretary of State George Schulz. Representing Mexico was Former Mexican Finance Minister Pedro Aspe. Representing the Stephen Harper government in Canada was Former Premier of Alberta, Peter Lougheed. The first session featured opening comments by each. The sessions that followed had names like, “A Vision for North America: Issues and Options,” “Toward a North American Energy Strategy,” “Demographic and Social Dimensions of North American Integration,” and “Border Infrastructure and Continental Prosperity.”

The event was co-hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, the business wing of Canada’s superelite, and the Canada West Foundation, a “think tank” that has been promoting regional integration.

Prominent on the panel of the “Vision for North America” session was none other than Robert Pastor, who might go down in history as the Father of the North American Union. Pastor is the author of Toward A North American Community (2001) published by the globalist Institute for International Economics. He chairs the Council on Foreign Relations’ Task Force on North America and served as lead author of the CFR’s Building a North American Community (May 2005). Among other things, this document proposes a North American “security perimeter” around all three nations by 2010. It was this that inspired CNN commentator Lou Dobbs to wonder, last summer, if our elites “had gone mad.”

The "watchword" of these elites was "deep integration", which Pastor, the CFR, and outfits like the Canada West Foundation have been promoting. The many working groups created under the SPP umbrella are currently “harmonizing” regulations by all three governments on food, drugs, the environment, electronic commerce, rules of origin, textiles and apparel labelling, movements of capital and labour, and foreign policy. The various working groups have signed “memoranda of understanding” or “frameworks of common principles”*- or are working on such*in all these areas.

If there’s anything you can take to the bank, this “harmonizing” process is not about, e.g., increasing food and drug safety for the people; it is about making life easier (and profits fatter) for the superelite CEOs in leviathan-sized food and pharmaceutical corporations*wired to leviathan-sized governments through public-private partnerships. What is likely is that food safety will go down, and consumers’ choices of, say, dietary supplements over expensive, poorly tested and therefore possibly hazardous pharmaceuticals will begin to be restricted. Major "Globalists", we ought to note, are well connected to the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Rummy owns over $5 million in stock in Gilead Sciences, the company that developed Tamiflu® and sold it to Roche, the pharmaceuticals giant. George Schulz owns more than $7 million in Gilead Sciences stock. Today, those in the transnational globalist class do as they please, unencumbered by considerations of ethics, law, or Constitution.

When confronted, shills for the power elite (including on the SPP website, which for the past several weeks has sported a disinformational “Myths and Facts” section) insist that its goals are benign. They just want to increase the prosperity of the three nations so as to better compete with the booming economies of China and India, as well as the European Union, while also ensuring the safety of our peoples in an age of terrorism. The sovereignty and independence of Canada, Mexico and the U.S., they insist, will be respected.

But if the super-elites of the three nations have the populations’ best interests in mind, then why the secrecy? Why have the agendas (and memberships) of the various working groups of the SPP been kept out of sight, not even available on the SPP website? Why does the latter’s “Myths and Facts” describe the SPP as only a “dialogue” between the leadership of the three nations when it is clearly much more than that? Why has it been necessary to invoke the Freedom of Information Act to penetrate the wall of secrecy?

Geri Wood, SPP Secretary, told Jerome R. Corsi that the working groups did not want to be “distracted by answering calls from the public.”

What incredible arrogance!

There is now a North American Competitiveness Council whose advisory board involves representatives from corporations including Wal-Mart, Chevron, General Motors, Lockheed Martin, and others. The NACC met in Washington in mid-August, but we have almost no information because again what was said was kept out of public view and this time we have (so far) no whistleblowers.

There is also a North American Energy Security Initiative, a North American Steel Trade Committee, an Automotive Partnership Council of North America, and a North American Aviation Trilateral, among other transnational bureaucracies formed under the SPP umbrella. Work is underway towards North American Emergency Management and towards Smart, Secure Borders (now there’s a phrase apt to make Orwell spin in his grave!).

There is also the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC), or NAFTA Superhighway, construction on which is scheduled to begin in 2007 by public-private partnerships (a foreign corporation, Spain’s Cintra, has already signed a contract). This system, which will parallel I-35 running north from Mexico all the way to Canada, with a branch extending I-69 also going to Canada through Port Huron, Michigan. TTC-35 will consist of six lanes for passenger cars, four for trucks, a rails system, lines for telecommunications, oil and natural gas pipelines, etc. Its size across has been estimated at four football fields; construction will result in the taking of over 500,000 acres of land from farmers and ranchers in Texas alone through eminent domain. This puts last year’s roundly (and rightly) condemned Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. New London, Conn. in a new light!

There are, finally, the expected incursions into education which have been going on roughly during what we may come to call the SPP era. Students everywhere, at all levels from elementary school to colleges and universities, are being encouraged to think globally*to think of themselves as “world citizens,” which means supporting regionalism and downplaying loyalty to their own nations. Last year a group of students from ten universities spread across the U.S., Canada and Mexico met for a simulated “model Parliament,” the organizers declaring: “A North American Parliament is born.” The universities included Harvard and Robert Pastor’s home base American University, as well as Simon Fraser University and Universite de Montreal representing Canada and Monterrey University and Ecole nationale d’administration publique representing Mexico. The event, sponsored by the Canada-based North American Forum on Integration (NAFI), yet another think tank promoting deep integration, was held in the Mexican Senate last May. Pastor is on the NAFI board of directors.

The superelite has indeed been busy of late! Also meeting in September, this time in Miami (Sept. 15) was the Miamu Herald Americas Conference. Attendees of this confab included more business and governmental elites from Latin and South America. They focused on “free trade agreements, open democracies and security.” One attendee in particular is worth noting: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, our El Presidente’s brother, who gave the keynote address. Gov. Bush hailed our El Presidente as the “chief Latin Americanist” in Washington. He further let the cat out of the bag by urging Congress to pass “fast track” trade promotion legislation this fall that would authorize President Bush to reopen negotiations on the stalled Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the super-elite’s long-term goal for the Western hemisphere.

The super-elite had originally hoped to implement their FTAA by 2005, but didn’t count on the level of grass roots opposition either here or by influential South American leaders such as Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. Chavez’s economics are wrong and I don’t think he correctly identifies his enemy -* it isn’t President Bush personally or even “American hegemony,” but rather the emerging New International Economic Order which is transnational and globalist. As a populist, however, his instincts are sound. He understands that an FTAA would benefit the super-elite *- many of them based in America*- at the expense of his people. To elites like Florida’s Gov. Bush, this is just capitalism: “I believe in entrepreneurial capitalism from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.” When super-elite domination of national economies is equated with free market “capitalism” and no one with visibility questions it, should we wonder when the Hugo Chavezes of the world move “leftward”?

It may be useful to examine a brilliant article by Christopher S. Bentley’s entitled “Immigration & Integration,” from the July 24 issue of The New American. Bentley outlined in very clear fashion how “free trade” rhetoric is taking us into regional government and will proceed from there to world government. “Free trade” is a core tool of the emerging New World Order, currently building transnational corporatist “capitalism” that (given the collectivist ethos being ruthlessly promoted in schools at all levels) they expect will evolve naturally and easily into global socialism with the superelite wielding absolute power.

Bentley outlines the process occurs in five steps, or phases.

First, the super-elite creates a "free trade" area. This lowers barriers to the trade of goods and services among member nations, while quietly instituting a raft of political and bureaucratic controls. This was done in Europe in the late 1940s. In North America, think NAFTA / CAFTA.

Second, it creates a customs union, which adds a common external trade policy and expands the bureaucracy to implement it. Think of that common “security perimeter” planned for North America.

Third, it creates a "common market", which ends restrictions on migration and allows labour and capital to move freely across increasingly meaningless national borders of member states. “This,” Bentley wrote, “is exactly what is behind the Bush Administration’s fanatical zeal to implement its guest worker / amnesty program.” Indeed, the Bush regime’s immigration policy*or lack of*makes perfect sense if we simply accede that Bush is committed philosophically to a borderless, globalized world.

Fourth, it develops the foregoing into an economic union*which requires a fully harmonized regulatory structure, a common currency, a common tax policy and a common fiscal policy. Robert Pastor and others have advocated replacing the dollar and the peso with a common North American currency that would be called the amero.

The fifth and final phase, political union, follows almost naturally, given that since Keynes the idea of an economy*- national or global *- not regulated to the teeth by bureaucrats hasn’t been on anyone’s radar. Political union develops out of the system of public-private partnerships, yielding a symbiosis between international bankers, other corporations, and the governmental-bureaucratic establishment.

When transnational committees of unelected bureaucrats begin overruling our laws and precedents * or if elected officials bow to "globalism" on their own we will know that Constitutional government is dead in Canada and the U.S.. The superelite will then be free to do as they please, which will probably be to begin integrating North America and Europe into a larger "Super-capitalist" union.

About Lou Dobbs:

Lou Dobbs is the anchor and managing editor of CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight. Dobbs also anchors a nationally syndicated financial news radio report, The Lou Dobbs Financial Report, and is a columnist for Money magazine and U.S. News and World Report.

In 1999, Dobbs founded Space.com, the first multimedia company dedicated to space and space-related content. He returned to CNN in 2001 to his current position. In February 2003, his personal interest in space exploration helped the network to cover the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. The day after the Columbia was lost, Dobbs traveled to Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, where he reported on the latest information on the story. Later in the year, Dobbs anchored nightly and reported the latest news on Operation Iraqi Freedom, interviewing multiple analysts and military experts to provide context during the conflict.

Dobbs became anchor of Lou Dobbs Moneyline the year he joined CNN and was instrumental in making Moneyline the most prestigious business news program in history. During his tenure at the network, he helped CNN become the leader in television business journalism and oversaw the launch of CNNfn and CNNfn.com in December 1995. He managed the network as president of CNNfn and executive vice president of CNN until June 1999 when he left the network.

Dobbs has won nearly every major award for television journalism. He received the George Foster Peabody Award for his coverage of the 1987 stock market crash. In 1990, he was given the Luminary Award by the Business Journalism Review for his "visionary work, which changed the landscape of business journalism in the 1980s." In 1999, he received the Horatio Alger Association Award for Distinguished Americans and, in 2000, the National Space Club Media Award. Dobbs was named "Father of the Year" by the National Father's Day Committee in 1993. In 2004, the National Television Academy awarded Lou Dobbs Tonight an Emmy Award for "Exporting America" and the following year gave him its Lifetime Achievement Emmy for business and financial reporting. In 2004, Dobbs received The Man of the Year Award from The Organization for the Rights of American Workers and the George J. Kourpias Excellence in Journalism Award from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers for his contributions to the national debate on jobs, global trade and outsourcing.

Dobbs was also presented with the Eugene Katz Award for Excellence in the Coverage of Immigration from the Center for Immigration Studies for his ongoing series "Broken Borders," which examines U.S. policy towards illegal immigration. He also received the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership in Media Award at the 2004 Albert Schweitzer Leadership Awards Dinner for his commitment to helping high school students seek out, recognize and develop leadership potential. He is the author of the best selling book "Exporting America" and co-author of the book "Space."

He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in economics. Dobbs serves on the boards of the Society of Professional Journalists Foundation, the Horatio Alger Association, the National Space Foundation and Space.com, in which he owns a minority stake, as he does in Integrity Bank. He is also a member of the Planetary Society, the Overseas Press Club, the American Economic Association and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

About Steve Yates:

Steven Yates earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1987 at the University of Georgia and has taught the subject at a number of colleges and universities around the Southeast. He currently teaches philosophy at the University of South Carolina Upstate and Greenville Technical College, and also does a little e-commerce involving real free trade. He is on the South Carolina Board of The Citizens Committee to Stop the FTAA.

He is the author of Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994), Worldviews: Christian Theism Versus Modern Materialism (2005), around two dozen philosophical articles and reviews in refereed journals and anthologies, and over a hundred articles on the World Wide Web. He lives in Greenville, South Carolina, where he writes a weekly column for the Times Examiner and is at work on a book length version of his popular series to be entitled The Real Matrix (hopefully!) to be completed this summer.