Mar 13, 2009 2:52 pm US/Mountain
Ritter Supports Illegal Immigrant Education Bill
Jodi Brooks DENVER

Tuition Break For Immigrants Gets Initial Approval (3/6/2009)
Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter says he supports a bill in the Legislature that would allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition.

Ritter said Friday the measure is designed to build a strong work force and strengthen the economy.

Ritter's written statement is being circulated by supporters of the bill.

The state Senate began debating the bill Friday but then decided to send the bill to the appropriations committee instead. That's the panel that reviews bills that either cost or save money for the state.

Fiscal analysts expect the state to take in up to $660,000 in new tuition money. Republican Sen. Keith King of Colorado Springs asked for the bill to be moved to appropriations because he wants to make sure that the proposal wouldn't cost the state anything. ... 58724.html