The Coming Immigration Battle
Posted by Michael Thompson on 10.18.2007

Maybe not in 2008, but the immigration battle is the ultimate battle facing the future of the United States. Illegal and legal immigration will become the main issue in the coming years. Now, people may be afraid to discuss this important issue, but those days are numbered.

The Greek philosopher Plato, one of the brightest minds in western history, had an idea called a "noble lie," or what rulers should tell their subjects to keep them happy. It doesn't have to be factual, simply keep peace and prosperity.

Today, the rulers of both political parties in Washington, TV networks, magazines and universities are engaging in a "noble lie," one that could bring about the destruction of our civilization.

The lie is that continued third-world immigration will bring greater diversity and enrich the culture of our nation, not be a burden to the American taxpayer and not threaten the racial make-up of our country.

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, (the bill) will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia ...," said Sen. Edward Kennedy after the 1965 Immigration Act passed.

His words have proved false, utterly false. Between 1971 and 1990, 85 percent of the 11.8 million legal immigrants came from the third world. This figure does not take into account the invasion of our borders from Mexico, where 8.5 million to 15 million illegal aliens have entered. Some recent studies, conducted by the Californias for Population Stabilization have asserted that up to 38 million illegal immigrants live in this country.

As California goes, so goes the nation, it has been said. The state has been hit the hardest by illegal immigration, and is $35 billion in debt: due largely to the huge costs of caring for illegal immigrants, which includes bilingual education, medical care, schooling, welfare, more law enforcement, etc. Not to mention, a plan that has just been passed to ban using the terms "mom" and "dad". Another column topic for another time.

Is this the fate that awaits the other states?

The fact evading those in power is simple: illegal aliens have already broken American law by coming here, and they should be deported to their native countries. The American government's duty is to protect its citizens, yet daily our borders are violated even after 9/11.

An interesting fact is that the law-breaking illegal aliens make up 25 to 30 percent of the American jail population. Crossing the border is only a precursor to continued crime for some of our new friends, it seems.
In the past, major waves of immigration saw the new Americans assimilated to our culture. They realized that to prosper in America, you should learn the English language, respect the history and laws of the United States and immerse yourself in the customs of your new home.

Today, most immigrants continue to speak their native tongues, keep their own cultures and holidays, and laugh at our laws that were established to keep justice and freedom in the land of the brave.

Among the many good books that have been written about the subject of immigration reform are Pat Buchanan's Death of the West, Peter Brimelow's Alien Nation and Michelle Malkin's Invasion. Personalities such as Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage and Peter Brimelow have written eloquently about the costs of continuing to allow illegal immigration, yet nothing is being done.

Thus, it is truly a Sisyphean task trying to change the minds of those who wish to continue this "noble lie." The threat to Americans safety, security and future is allowed to continue because of political correctness and the belief that the civil rights of illegal immigrants supersede those of legal Americans.

The French have been lambasted as of late, but a Frenchman may have authored the most important book of the 20th century, "The Camp of the Saints" by Jean Raspail.

It tells the story of a fictitious, peaceful invasion of France by a million starving, disease-ridden people from India. The book takes you on the philosophical, moral and ethical ride of whether to attack and repel the helpless invaders or to allow them in, to inundate the French culture.
If the peaceful invaders aren't met with force, then it will be a sign to the rest of the third world that the west is altruistic enough to allow for the destruction of its own civilizations.

Maybe this is the reason for the "noble lie" as sometimes fact is stranger than fiction. Is our generation witnessing the beginnings of a real life "Camp of the Saints?" Will we have the heart to stop it?

Or will we continue to be politically correct and allow our country to be diversified out of existence? The immigration battle continues to be a volatile issue that cuts to the core of what it means to be an "American".

This next election will be the last one that the immigration battle will remain just on the bubble of acceptable discourse. Most people still fear discussing immigration, because of the obvious racial aspect of continued illegal immigration into this country.

At some point in the near future though, this issue will burst for good. No amount of political correctness will stop it then. ... Battle.htm